Saturday, February 7, 2009

Playstation 3 1080p Help Vs 360 1080p?

May be...
  • i understand the the ps3 does 1080p, however in the flyers it always says PS3 Full high Definition, but the 360 games always say 1080p on the back, if not all most of them including, Gears Of War 2, halo 3, burnout , Fable II, but most PS3 games are 720p.

    so why does the 360 not say full hd in the flyer?

    or is the 360 just upconverting ?

    like not native resolution?

    please help thanks
  • Adidas is a bit wrong. Full HD has nothing to do with Sony. For example, the sticker on my Samsung TV says Full HD. 1080p and Full HD is the same thing. As for resolution in games - most of modern games are just upscaled to 1080p (and in some cases to 720p). A lot of games were made in 720p (or even lower resolution, like GTA IV, which was developed in a lower resolution, later Rockstar reconverted it). After that developers just upconvert them. Only a few games were made in 1080p without any upconversions and their native resolution is 1080p.
  • "Full HD" is Sony's way of saying 1080p. Everything from TVs, cameras, BD players, and the PS3 use the "Full HD" phrase meaning it is 1080p. It is a slogan. Nothing more. Don't let Sony's phrase of Full HD confuse you with something that says 1080p. It means the exact same thing.

    Full HD is a Sony TradeMark, therefore no one else can use it. That is why you only see it on Sony products. That would be like Burger King using the phrase "I'm Lovin' It". TradeMarked, therefore they can't do it.

    Full HD = 1080p, 1080p = Full HD.
  • I believe the 360 is only capable of 720P. The idea of Full HD is that those games are available in TRUE 1080P(or at least parts are, not sure if any entire game is) and on the 360 it is an upscaling from 720P.
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