Saturday, February 28, 2009

PLEASE HELP WITH ps3!!!!!!! =)?

May be...
  • ok so my ps3 has been working great real excelent and everything. So i unhook it all to take it to my friends house and play it there. then i bring it back home to put it back to my tv and i have the hdmi cable and i plugged it in and everything. i even used the red whitee whatever cords but you dont need those for ps3 i havent been using them. Now when im on the input channel for ps3 all i hear is the sound but no picture? everything is in like before i went to my friends house so... what the ****? does anyone have an idea?
  • If you have the ps3 plugged into the television with that hdmi cable you were just talking about, and on the right input channel, then you should be getting picture and sound. If not, try unplugging the ps3 from power and then reconnecting it and seeing if that fixes it. If not..i'm not quite sure what to tell you. Try going onto, and joining there (free) and going to the ps3 forum, and asking your question there, i'm sure they'll help you.
  • Turn off your PS3, then turn it back on, however this time hold down on the ON action, until you have a picture appear on the screen.

    Doing this resets the PS3's video settings back to default so that its compatible with most TVs. You can thereafter re-customize things to match your preference.

    The reason for your problem may be due to your moving from place to place and switching TVs. - This is a common problem.

    Swet You Not.

    Good luck.
  • turn off your ps3

    then press and hold the power button till you hear 2 beeps

    then let go of the button

    your ps3 will reset and hopefully you will be able to see picture on your tv
  • Put all the yellow white and red cables into TV and then switch after you get the picture. Otherwise, there is a problem with your HDMI cable.
  • use the av cable (yellow & white).
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