Saturday, February 14, 2009

PS3 owners are you excited for Killzone 2?

May be...
  • I can't wait to play it.
  • Yeah.

    I'm buying it, even if I didn't play the demo.

    The demo didn't change my opinion the slightest, I didn't get enough out of the demo but it was good until the demo ended.

    So yeah, I'm excited for Killzone 2.
  • i played the demo and thought the graphics were excellent but i didnt like the game that much. im still going to buy it though.
  • yea duh thats like asking ps3 owners are you excited for god of war 3
  • Of course! The game looks sick!
  • Not really
  • If you like this genre don't miss it
  • ya i think it is going to be the best game for the ps3 yet
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