Thursday, February 19, 2009

Ps3 wont read disk's?

May be...
  • my warrenty with playstation is expired and i need my playsation because i just got sponserd by surrel now with the playsation it works ,i can go on it ,play demos ,add people ,chat people ,everything but it just doesn't read disk(i thikn its a dust problem with the lens but i dont no how to )so please tell me how to clean the lens and if there r any other solution ,o yea i also formated it and restored it and it didn't work

    also u can add me on ps3 if u play cod4 or cod5
  • Same thing happened to me, but it was still under warranty.

    Call Sony


    that is your best bet.

    - if you think that it is the lense, I would try a lense cleaner that you can get at walmart or something.
  • You will need to buy a new one

    or pay the $100 and some dollars to have sony repair it for you

    Sorry I had the same problem, but it was in warranty
  • Sorry, if your warranty has run out, you will have to pay to have it repaired or to get a new one.

    Whats your PSN ID?
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