Monday, February 16, 2009

Shouldn't Sony just make two PS3's, one with BC and one without ?

May be...
  • My friend just bought the 160GB PS3 thinking he could play some of his PS2 games and now he's really irked that he can't ! Wouldn't it make sense if Sony just made two systems, one with BC and one without just like they have a bundled system and a non bundled system !
  • I've felt they should have did that from the start ! People are buying PS3's thinking that they all can play PS2 games and then they get home find out they won't. If Sony can add a $60 game then they should also be able to add BC for not much more than the price of the pack-in game !

    Sony has made marketing blunder after blunder with so many PS3 variations and many long time loyal Playstation fans have shied away from purchasing the PS3 !

    I think they should make one PS3 with BC and one without as the questioner suggested ! Let people decide if they want or don't want BC or a pack-game ! Give people a choice Sony !

    Fortunately I bought a 60GB at launch and I'm happy I can play my PS2 games when I want to !
  • Initially sony sort of did do that, one PS3 with smaller memory didn't have BC and the I believe it was the 60gb PS3 that have the BC along with additional usb ports, the memory card slot (for the ps2 games), and the memory stick slot. Unfortunately sony claimed the cost to install the ps2 equipment into the ps3 is adding up and they're losing a lot of profits from it. So that decided to just drop the BC all together.

    I'm thinking why doesn't sony have some kind of service that allows us to have the ps2 BC added to the ps3 if we send it in and we pay something extra?
  • I just don't understand why this is an issue. If u wanna play ps2 games, use your ps2. I, personally don't feel a need to go back in time and play ps2 games anymore.
  • Got 2 ps3s

    40GB, and 160 GB

    40 GB broke down... then I got a 160 GB.

    Still mad that I cannot play ps2 games.
  • it would they had it before but it costs them too much money so they scratched it but ir does make since
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