Friday, February 27, 2009

Stuck in God of War Chains of Olympus on PSP?

May be...
  • It is in this level.

    Lower Levels



    {Enemies: 8 Fireguards }

    { 1 Fire Defender }

    { 7 Fog Archers }

    { 2 Sabres }


    {Breakable }

    {Objects: 15 }


    Down the steps are 2 red orbs chests and a chest containing a phoenix feather

    (PF7). Step onto the platform and destroy the shiny objects and you'll go on

    a ride in which you must fight. When the ride is done and you've done your deeds

    get off and open those 3 red orb chests, you know you wanna. Head up the

    stairs and open the door. If you walk all the way to the left you will see two

    more red orb chests, this place is riddled with them! Press () on the pillar

    and head across it.

    So I have low health, and no magic. Every time I die, I still have low health and no magic.

    I can't get past this, help please!
  • Are you in the pits of tatarus? I don't quiet get your description.I really need to know where you are to help you out. Give more details, like have you reached the temple (Sun god) or reached Hades or defeated charon.... What difficulty are you playing the game? In tatarus, you have low health, but you must kill innocent people enchained there to regain blood.

    It might be that when you entered the last checkpoint, you health was too low, so when you die and respawn from the last checkpoint, the health is low. You should have saved the game in 2-3 files (one containing a checkpoint where your health is full and other just a normal save). Just replay it if you can if nothing else works(it's not that long you know).
  • Damn. I completed the game a really long time ago but I forgot the point you are at. Sorry
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