Thursday, February 5, 2009

Which, in your opinion, is the better of these 360 and ps3 games and why?

May be...
  • resistance 2


    halo 3

    gow 2


    uncharted: drake's fortune

    fallout 3

    far dry 2




    mag(massive action game)
  • resistance 2-pretty cool

    littlebigplanet-this was buttloads of fun for me

    halo 3-sorry i hate halo

    gow 2-kinda upset with it.i prefer the first one

    crackdown-mad fun

    uncharted: drake's fortune-never played it

    fallout 3-not my type of game

    far dry 2-it is far cry lol.yea but fun

    prototype-never heard of it

    mgs4-i don't like metal gear

    bioshock-nice game

    mag(massive action game)-gonna be sick!

    but i prefer ps3 games over 360
  • resistance 2 - pretty good.

    littlebigplanet - fun! =D

    halo 3 - meh... not a big fan of Halo...

    gow 2 - great game here.

    crackdown - gets very old after about 7-8 hours.

    uncharted: drake's fortune - rent it.

    fallout 3 - haven't played.

    far cry 2 - haven't played.

    prototype - eh?

    mgs4 - great game. epic ending. one of my favorites.

    bioshock - simply amazing. one of the best games ever made.

    mag(massive action game) - lots of potential.
  • resistance 2 - Really fun Co-op and online. 10 hour campaign

    littlebigplanet - Fun game with family, can be everlasting.

    halo 3 - Overrated game, can't even support HD graphics

    gow 2 - An alright game, but not the best.

    crackdown - Never played it.

    uncharted: drake's fortune - Very fun game, 10 hour campaign but you WILL come back to play it all over again. Needs Online.

    fallout 3 - Can be everlasting, can last you 20-100 hours depends on what you want. Both PS3 and 360 version is the same.

    far dry 2 - You mean Far Cry 2. It's an average game but never played it , only seen reviews. Not worth the $60 though.

    prototype - Doesn't interest me, inFamous looks better.

    mgs4 - Game of the Year 2008, do I need to say anything else?

    bioshock - Game of the Year 2007, 360 and PS3 is exactly the same.

    mag(massive action game) - If it's like the Socom Bundle [$39.99 for Game, $59.99 for headset], then it is a must to buy it with the headset. 256 players online in a game, now that's crazy. In my opinion, it's going to be an online game only.
  • from that list right now the top 2 are MGS4 and bioshock those 2 won the goty so those 2 are the best while the others are good with the exception of far cry 2 are all premier games for their systems whether exclusive or not and they do a great job with the epic of them not so much with crackdown but gears resistance halo mgs4 all have that in them which make them unique and only 1 off of that list coming out will do that mag so thats what that list of games is all about
  • I agree with jackass

    Exept for:

    Fallout 3: 30 out of ten stars ( if you like rpg)

    Mgs4: worlds greatest game evah!

    Littlebigplanet: he understated it, it is 9000 percent better than anygame u have ever played before ( no understatement )
  • 360: Crackdown. Fun game. Lots to do.

    PS3: Killzone 2. Its gonna get GoTY. Trust me..
  • cbf writing it all .... I gota so PS3 ...simple reason PS3 has more PS3 exclusive games.
  • Is MAG even out yet? (my money is on little big planet b/c you can create your own levels)
  • MGS4 is the best game ever
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