Thursday, February 5, 2009

PS3 Controller with no PS Button?

May be...
  • I have a 3rd party Playstation 3 controller that doesn't have a working PS Button. I'm trying to play a game for PS2, and I can't get past the "Please plug in a controller" message because you need that stupid button for the system to recognize your controller on some games. I was wondering if there is anyway I can get past this annoying message so I can play the game. (Note: I also have a ps2 controller and an adapter but the adapter doesn't have the button either)
  • I hate how no one gets a psover9000
  • Thats why you should never buy a 3rd party controller.

    It was ok for the past Generations, because they werent wireless
  • It's time to get another controller
  • first off get a playstaion 3 controller no crap like 3rd part get a dualshock
  • Get a new one
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