Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Why do 360 players say they have better games than the ps3 when they dont.?

May be...
  • all they have is Fable,Halo,and Gears.Ps3 has LBP,Resistance1 and2,Killzone 2,warhawk,Uncharted1 and 2.Valkyria Chronicles,Mag and motorstorm 1and2.
  • because everyone eants to feel special

    and x box is for pussys
  • Fanboys, regardless of which side they are on, are going to rave about what they have and put down the competition. That is just what they do. It makes no sense and is foolish, childish behavior. Both systems have good points and bad points, and to point out the other system's flaws without recognizing the problems your system has is classic fanboy. Don't try to figure it out, just ignore them and enjoy your gaming experience on your system of choice. All they do is ruin it for themselves and try to ruin it for other who don't agree with them.
  • I am not a fan boy i have both PS3 and Xbox 360... Recently i and a large number of friends have moved from the PS3 to the xbox 360 for the competition. Yes PS3 has allot of exclusives and good exclusives but games that are very easy to get bored of LBP only so much cuteness someone can take. Uncharted is single player yes Fable is single player but it has a huge replay value. Resistance is good but it is no longer the game it was.... Many people will agree with me that Resistance 2 flopped nothing on Halo or Gears. Valkyria never played so i will not comment on but i believe it is a Strategy game we have one of our own now Halo Wars.

    I agree Motorstorm is a very good game and challenges all xbox 360 racers.

    Now you guys are getting Killzone 2 played the demo and was amazingly disappointed online might be good we will have to see. MAG who wants to play a game with 120 players in 1 game it will be a free for all don't hold your breath on this one.

    Halo 3 still gets huge numbers online playing at points outdoing all ps3 and xbox 360 call of duty players. I seen it at 360,000 the other night.

    So yes PS3 does have some very good games but these games are games that get repetitive and boring quickly.

    Yes PS3 has good hardware but currently xbox has the best developers because they consider long term rather than £40 for a week or two.

    rrbzle that pussy comment you are so far off the mark. Xbox 360 kills the ps3 when it comes to competitive online gaming there are more tournaments.
  • Well the thing is, XBOX 360 fanboys just don't want to admit that the XBOX isn't as good as the 360, when infact most of the exclusives are coming on the PS3. Since PS3's hardware is better, 360 users try to balance the scales by saying the PS3 has no games. Hopse that helped!
  • When the ps3 first came out they used this as it was true and now they still use it even though many ace games are coming to ps3 and the xbox just has xbox live which is the same as psn but £40 a year and they say its better even though its not.
  • even wii owners would say so... as the saying goes.. "Love your own.." When they say " Xbox has better exclusives" what it exactly means is "I'm jealous I don't have PS3.. Xbox is all I got and I'm stuck with it so I have to learn to love it!".
  • http://yourinfo.daymy.com

    A very informative website you can also get much information in website
  • Simple

    More games equals more well more games to play.

    Yeah the PS3 has better hardware, better software, but it has no games.
  • some people are just biased,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    i sometimes do that with the ps3................

    dont waste your time comparing who cares, ps3 has better games

    END OF
  • The only things better about those games is the online play they are slightly better than the ps3! P.S. i have a ps3-xbox blows! :P
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