Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Has a ps3 add me psn?

May be...
  • ShawdowHogs14 im not a stalker im 17 i just want more people on my friends list so yahoo dont delete this please anyways i have 10 games put down psn name and i will add u and i will show u my face im a teenager im 17 like i said i will show my room and my face
  • xXjDogg_23Xx, Battlefield Bad Company, Skate, Madden 09, NBA 09,

    (purchasing Resistance 2 Saturday)
  • PSN: ryzigga

    Games: LittleBigPlanet, CoD4, CoD5, FIFA09
  • PSN: naouija

    I got LBP, GTA4

    Bout to get WaW and KILLZONE 2 this week!
  • edaeki
  • MrPursuit and are you getting Killzone 2
  • my psn is bigdad84
  • my psn is me_is_cool
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