Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Witch PS3 would you rather have?

May be...
  • CECHH01 40 gig HD or CECHG01 40 gig HD

    I am giving one to my girlfriend and I am selling one. I own the CECHA01 60 gig and I am keeping it for myself because it has Universal compatibility. But between CECHH01, CECHG01 witch one would you rather take and why.

    I am not sure if the only difference is the way the hard-drive slides in or if it is something else like one has wireless and one doesn't.

    I found out mine can play Japanese games that's how I found out it was different from the older 80gig ps3s and they do not explain that on wikipedia.
  • They are the same, but I think one just plays movies from different regions ( like one plays movies from NA and the other from Europe)

    Depends on where you live, so give her the one that plays the movies according to your region.
  • THE 60 GB version BECAUSE the backwards ps1,ps2,dvd and more
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