Thursday, March 12, 2009

Are you ready for Resident Evil 5?

May be...
  • Heck ya It's gonna be my first PS3 game, and I was thinking about getting it for the 360 but I decided I need a PS3 game otherwise I wouldn't have no game. I'm such a Huge RE fan, Ever since I was lil.

    I have every single game. thats how much I love the RE series.

    I'm gonna stay an RE fan forever. :D
  • have you tried the demo? the character hardly moves.. it's so stiff like the old street fighter game. but the graphics is great. but I don't like it. I mean, I have to trust my instinct now. Becasue I tried the kilzzone 2 demo and I didn't like. But then I said, maybe the demo is just lame. So, I got it. But I really didn't like so I traded it with heavenly sword instead. I still like the COD 4 & 5 better. PLus zombies give me the creeps... that's why I don't play Nazi Zombies.
  • Yup, I am. I just wished they revamped the controls. I mean you can't even move when you are reloading... come on. The reviews say it is good, so I am going to buy it... But I just really hoped that this time at least the tank controls would not be implemented... sigh.. Maybe in the next one.. The developers say it increases the tension, but I found it frustrating in previous games.. Imagine a zombie is up your a*s and you can't run and aim... stupidity.
  • i played the demo and i did not like the controllers of the game or the fact that you could not walk and shoot at the same time and i didn't like the movement of the characters either so i would just buy mlb the show instead
  • I was super ecstatic about this until i played the DEMO. I want to be but, i'll probably pass. I'll get it eventually but, probably not til COD: Modern Warfare 2 grows old.
  • Is the resident evil games fun? Are there any multiplayer games? I love those.
  • yes, i suppose i am looking forward to it, no way as much as killzone 2, but i probably will get it in a month or so

    demo controls bummed me out
  • how exactly are we supposed to get ready?
  • no, unfortunately I only have the lowly nintendo wii system..;(
  • Nope. But I'm ready for Sims 3, Diablo 3 and Starcraft 2!
  • theres not many games i do of duty 4 and pro evo only, really. but im looking forward to this one!!!
  • h3ll ya woo hooooo
  • borrrring. killzone 2 is better
  • Yeah, but I'm getting it on the 360.
  • i am not gonna buy it
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