Thursday, March 12, 2009

Survey - Your views on PlayStation®Home and why?

May be...
  • Happy answering ;)

    My view - All around good chat room and fun place to hang out WHEN bored... Cost way to much, i understand it cost money to make up for losses but £1.39 for a t-shirt.... No thank you.

    I think they are trying really hard to brainwash people into buying clothes haha.. because admitadly i really want to buy stuff but i WONT.. Theatre and bowling is a nice touch.

    Lastly... Need to start off with more stuff :)
  • Ya it's fun...For sometime. The concept is good. I was excited initially, but got bored off it very quickly. The good part is Sony is opening new zones and so if they regularly do it, then it might be fun to just check out what's new.

    Anyways, the prices are too high (I really don't care about buying shirts and stuff...).

    It's not as good as Sony claimed it to be.Still some issues with errors while downloading new zones and stuff, but since it's a beta, they will be taken care off.

    Anyways, a beta is an initial release of a software to the public to check out if the thing has flaws or not. If flaws are reported, then the developers debug them. When the beta is out for a sufficient time and used by many individuals with no problem, then the developers release the full version and so officially the critics can review the product. The product cannot be reviewed in the beta stage (well, the reviewers can give comments, but can't criticize a certain flaw as there is a possibility that the flaw might be taken care off in the final version). Basically a beta is a companies way out for releasing a product early and even if it has bugs, the companies can mend the final version.
  • I think with as long as they had to work on it, they really were a disappointment. I mean the concept is great and all because I have a real life friend that Home is a great place to hang out at. But, there are tons of features that were promised that either aren't happening or won't happen for a while.

    Like being able to stream media would have been nice because I would totally have my friend over to watch a movie at the same time. He lives on the opposite end of the country so doing this would be amazing. But, I just don't see that happening. I've been taking a break from Home for a while and hope to log in in a month or two to find a greatly improved application. I hope I'm not disappointed.
  • used to be so exciting when it was new. but now it's getting boring and boring. esp if you go to asian home site, there's hardly anyone there. the place is so big but no people. on the other hand, US and UK home sites are full of assholes and bullies. I don't understand what fun they get from standing on the bench or behind a tree all the time. As if they are the only ones who knows about the glitch... I like HOME during the close beta period. It's like, it's a place for a chosen few (as close beta is for selected testers only--- by invitation).
  • It's a glorified chat room. It's a good way to find potential friends that play the same game but other than that not much. Also remember that it is only a beta right now. You might have more stuff when it actually starts.
  • It's fun once in a while but I think they need a few more features on it like more arcade stuff and a park were you can play baseball, football etc.
  • You totally said everything (well not all of it) that I was going to say about my view on Home beta.
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