Thursday, March 12, 2009

PS3 Home beta question?

May be...
  • So since its a beta, do you get to keep the stuff you already have bought when it goes into finilization of the game instead of just beta?
  • Ok don't listen to those two that didn't really read or understand your question. The stuff that you buy in Home is stored on the server. So if you were to loose your Home data for any reason those items could still be downloaded at any time once you have Home downloaded again.

    But, that's not what you were asking. What you were asking is since it's in beta, many MMOs don't allow you to keep characters or items. But, this is not like that. Basically think of this as official release and Home will remain in Beta status for many more months to come. All items are yours to keep especially if you've bought them. There is no such thing as a Beta you pay for, but you can't keep what you've paid for.
  • Yes, it will, as it is saved to the hard disc and that will not go unless you delete it.
  • yah what mike said really try not to get your had disk to full or it will ask you to format you hard disk so just be safe and not download all sorts of demos then never play them
  • Yes
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