Sunday, March 22, 2009

Can ps3 win the console war this year?

May be...
  • last year the Wii won, because more people bought it.

    so let's don't talk about the Wii

    lets talk about 360 and PS3. last year xbox 360 beat the ps3

    because it had more games on, and more exclusive even though ps3

    got Metal Gear Solid 4.

    so can the ps3 beat xbox 360 this year with its exclusive?

    ps3 has some nice exclusives coming out this year
  • when it comes to games and exclusives then yeah the ps3 wins this year

    but if you are talking about console sales this year i think no because people still think the 360 is cheaper , the only way i can see ps3 selling more consoles than the 360 this year would be by a price drop
  • More people buy the Wii because it's cheap & fun & most ppl get it for their younger kids who tend to get what they want. The Xbox sells more than PS3 because it is cheaper & there are zillions of Halo fans, plus some other games they have exclusively to them. I personally am a Sony fan, although I own all the consoles of each brand. I like the different genre choices in games...I don't always want to play Socom. Sometimes I like to mindlessly play Lumines, etc. Plus there are lots of choices for yonger kids also. More than xbox.
  • Overall, no. The Wii is litterally at a point where it could stop being bought COMPLETELY, and still be number 1 by the time the PS3 dies.

    In the race for second place, it is CERTAINLY possible for an upset to take place.Currently, it's only trailing by 8 million units. And at this point, we don't have any HUGE exclusives coming to the 360 this year (Mass Effect 2 is in 2010). However, that could ALL CHANGE at E3, so don't make any decisions yet.

    The Blu-Ray player is also going to be a driving factor. It's slowly looking like it may really take over DVD, so people may be considering making that leap, using the PS3 as a bridge, since it also has other features. (However, the 360 has Netflix streaming, so it's also a choice consumers must make.).

    Finally, since the economy is down, people may be weary to buy a console, much less the most expensive one on the market.

    My prediction? By the end of the year, the Wii has passed 50 million, and is still number one. 360 is in second place, but the PS3 has now made it a neck and neck competition. It's really gonna come down to what Microsoft has at E3, and planned for the holiday season.
  • I'm pretty sure it will win. Wii is more of a kids gaming console. When it comes to 360 and PS, then that's the real competition. PS is getting a bunch of exclusives this year. With Killzone already out, its sure to have got up there in the console war. Then later, God of War III, inFAMOUS, Uncharted, and some more.
  • xbox 360 is the best online the PS3 is not very good online and you cannot buy the little Microsoft points at the story like the 360 or the year cards to play online and i think the PS3 has no chance to win and the PS2 is the only think that keeps the PS3 from going under
  • I don't think Sony cares if PS3 outsales Xbox or not. Sony just want to make a profit of it's sales. If the company makes more profit per sale then Microsoft then Sony has won. Even if they sale less machines.
  • with a price drop yes ps3 will win without it they probably will the only thing we need is the american market we got japan and others but with the AAA titles and a price drop yeah ps3 will win i mean god of war 3 single handedly will win ps3
  • Yes, because of

    Killzone 2(biggest game this year)

    God of War 3


    More games...

    Then they 3.0 Firmware update which gives ps3 many of the features 360 already has
  • Any console that has good games and great graphics is going to win. If the PS3 can innovate (like the Wii) only then can it stand out better.
  • "last year xbox 360 beat the ps3

    because it had more games on"

    Still has more and better games.

    not like ps3 is gonna get any worse
  • Yes with all the great games coming for PS3. Also it would help a lot if Sony cut PS3 price.
  • once its fall 09 and all these sweet games come out i think the ps3 will pick up in sales
  • as for sales, ps3 is doing a lot better than xbox, i'm sure ps3 would win
  • its what you think of it
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