Sunday, March 22, 2009

Gears of War 3 for PS3?

May be...
  • will gears of war 3 come to ps3?

    microsoft had a deal with gears of war just for only 1 and 2

    but do you think it'll come out for ps3 the 3 one?
  • PS3 already have Metal Gear Solid. They don't need Gears of War.
  • Microsoft and Sony tend to cling to their exclusives as tightly as possible. Even though some have gone multiplatform like Devil May Cry 4 and Final Fantasy 13, exclusives are what give a system its edge. I am sure Microsoft will drop a lot of money to keep Gears of War on their system, just as Sony viciously defends the rights to Metal Gear 4 and God of War 3.

    But, its always possible it will go multi-platform, only time can tell.
  • nope after gears of war 2 the 360 can have that franchise disappointed there was only one thing in that entire game that made go Holy Shi@ that was fing awesome but you didnt even get to play with that toy for that long, plus the ending was lame. Anyways those games are published by Microsoft so it wont go to ps3 just like god of war wont be on the 360.
  • you know microsoft they spend alot of money for exclusives like gta the lost and damned but they can't do it forever but i think gears will stay since i mean really whos gonna play the third in a series when the first 2 didn't even come out but its possible they will make a bigger profit but i think no
  • No

    Epic are now free to make it multi-platform, but that doesn't stop Microsoft from letting that exclusive title drop of their hands.

    It's just like saying that Killzone 3 would go to the 360. (Which isn't true and so as the Gears 3)
  • No, Gears of War has made Microsoft way to much money for them to just let it go. They will drop a lot of dollars to keep the Gears of War series exclusive to the Xbox 360, its all they have, besides Halo.
  • Microsoft slipped a bit with Lost Planet and Bioshock and lost them over to the PS3 but thing is, they're not the strong titles.

    Personally, I don't think that Gears of War 3 will be on the PS3.
  • no i think the PS3 should not get Gears of War 3 cause it is going to be to good for the PS3 the 360 is way better than the PS3 online
  • microsoft develops the gears games. i seriously doubt theyd just share it w ps3
  • i dont think so its an 360 exclusive
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