Sunday, March 8, 2009

Can you play CoD5 on a laptop online and play against PS3 players?

May be...
  • If I have Call of Duty World at War for PC, can I play in multiplayer and play against people with CoD5 for PS3?
  • there are seprate servers for all diffrent platforms usaully like theyll have a server for xbox players of a game and ps3 players of the same game and pc players of the same game they usaully keep em seprate but ive heard in a few new up coming MMO's there gonna bring players together from all the platforms the game will be on...
  • Sadly, no company has created a "joint online experience". PS3 people can only play against other PS3 users. PC players can only play against other people who have a PC. Sorry
  • No.

    Occasionally there is an Xbox Live promotion where PC gamers and 360 gamers can play together, but that's only once in a great while.
  • no the pc,xbox 360,and ps3 servers are separate. back in 2000 the servers were mixed for some games it was so fun hearing the fan boys argue
  • Nope.

    Only with PC users.
  • only for your pc against other pc playas
  • nonononononononnoonnonononnonoononononon...

    and no
  • Nah
  • No
  • idk
  • no u need a ps3 to play against ps3 players
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