Monday, March 30, 2009

Few questions about the ps3?

May be...
  • 1. can you download themes for your visual player(the video that comes up wen you play music like on mine i have the earth)?

    2. what is the latest update?

    3. what's the 10 top games on ps3

    4. there any new playstation systems coming out (aka.ps4)(the ps4 is just a guess there isn't a ps4 i dont think)?

    5.what is the best theme (please provide download link)

    best result i will rate best answer please give lots of information
  • 1. No. But if you press triangle you can change the theme, there is 1 or 2.

    2. 2.60 is the latest firmware version. 2.70 is rumoured to be out April.

    3. In my opinion the 10 must have games for PS3 are

    * Killzone 2

    * Metal Gear Solid 4

    * Uncharted Drakes Fortune

    * GTA IV

    * Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare

    * Fallout 3

    * Resistance 2

    * Little Big Planet

    * Rock Band or Guitar Hero

    * Burnout Paradise

    * Resident Evil 5

    4. No news yet. But Sony said they wanted PS3 to last for at least 10 years so dont get your hopes up until after 2012.

    5. There is none, personal preference. But here is the link to the top 50 themes downlaoded on PS3
  • 1. no you can't those come on updates

    2. 2.60, a new one is rumored to come out soon though..rumored

    3. hmm i would have to say the top 5 would be Killzone 2, Uncharted, Call of duty 4 and 5, and warhawk

    4. no playstation 4, sony has said on many occaisions that the ps3 will be around for at least 10 years so newest system we could expect is probably a redesigned playstation portable

    5. best themes...that all depends on what you like..check out
  • 1. no, it is included in the updates.

    2. 2.60.

    3. MGS4, GTA IV, Killzone 2, RE5, Fallout 3, Dead Space, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, Resistance Series, LittleBigPlanet,.

    well, that's according to my opinion.

    4. we don't know yet. Sony has yet to announce anything on the subject. only time will tell!

    5. hmm. themes vary according to one's liking. try ps3-themes or PSN.
  • 1.No

    2. - Current is 2.60

    3. (Top 20)

    4. Obviously,. but not anytime soon

    5. The one that I made(in my opinion LOL) Awesome theme site
  • 1. Don't know

    2. Not sure I just got the PS3

    3. Here is my list:

    10. Assassin's Creed

    9. GTAIV

    8. Heavenly Sword

    7. MLB 09: The Show

    6. Resident Evil 5

    5. Resistance 2

    4. Little Big Planet

    3. Metal Gear Solid 4

    2. Uncharted

    1. Killzone 2

    4. There are rumors about a PSP2 but no PS4.

  • the other guys have solid answers.

    but the ps3s life span is at least 10 years (other systems are only 4 years) so expect the ps3 to last another 4-5 years EASILY.

    microsoft is in the middle of creating a new console just to catch up to ps3 technology
  • 1.No


    3.Killzone 2

    Resident Evil 5


    Fifa 09

    SVR 09

    4.PS4 scheduled for 2016

    5. Stacy Keibler Theme
  • 1. No sorry

    2. 2.90

    4.they haven't annoiunced it yet

    5.look at the ps store under themes and wallpapers
  • 1. No sorry

    2. 2.60

    3 in my opinion:

    CoD 4

    CoD 5

    Fifa 09

    Mirrors Edge

    Killzone 2

    Skate 2


    Gran Turismo



    4. PS4 is out 2016 :(

    5. Go on the PS Store - Lots of free ones
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