Saturday, March 14, 2009

Guitar Hero World Tour's Touch Sensitive Thingy..?

May be...
  • How do I know when I'm supposed to use them?

    I did go to the tutorial, I understood it but it said that I've to use the touch slide when there are clear gems.

    That's the problem.

    How do I tell between a clear gem and a normal note?

  • i have the guitar hero world tour too. when your playing songs there are sustained colors for the notes. they are just like notes, just a little more neon and clear.
  • look for the top of the notes. the gems have a clearish colored top. the normals are plain colored.

    also the touch pad should be used when there is a purple string connecting notes
  • It's a bit more clear and it has a purple ring around it.

    And in long notes, it works like a whammy bar.

    Hope this helps. :P
  • You use the touch side when tehre are notes that look like they are connected by a string.
  • when like a purple line connect the notes those are the clear notes.
  • The clear gem's are clear.

    You're not too smart are you?
  • I use it while I am on a extended note. works fine for me!
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