Thursday, March 26, 2009

I have owned multiple ps2s in the past and they all have had problems as a dvd player freezing lagging glitch?

May be...
  • It not the disks problem its just that the ps2 has a crappy dvd player but if you run a disk cleaner in it once a month it should work alright.
  • Please put in the form of a REAL, LOGICAL question.

    Does it play games fine?

    Just so ya know, the PS2 doesn't last quite as long when you use it for gaming AND watching movies. Something inside wears down much faster since the discs are read at different speeds.
  • It's the disks problem!

    Or if the PS2's have been 2nd hand, its the PS2's problem and you should think about buying a PS2 from a store.
  • So What's your Question?...
  • Well, then your cat must piss on them when youre not at home
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