Thursday, March 26, 2009

What is better X360 or PS3?

May be...
  • Xbox 360
  • They're both good systems, and chances are you'll be happy with either. It really comes down to personal preference, so you should do some research to see which one best suits your needs.

    A few things to consider:

    - The PS3 is more expensive, but PlayStation Network is free to use, unlike Xbox Live. If you factor in subscription costs and optional equipment such as a hard drive or wi-fi adapter, the Xbox 360 can end up being more expensive than the PS3.

    - The Xbox 360 does have more games than the PS3, but a high volume of those are racing games and FPS's. The PS3 has a smaller, but more diverse selection of games. Again, this comes down to preference.

    - Both systems have different media capabilities. The PS3 can play virtually any format of video, including DVD and Blu-ray as well as most videos that can be downloaded from the Internet. The Xbox 360's media playback options are somewhat more limited, but it does support streaming Netflix videos, which is a plus if you're already a subscriber to Netflix.

    - The Xbox 360 is compatible with many original Xbox titles. The PS3 is fully compatible with all PS1 titles (though PS2 games are no longer supported), and can play games from any region worldwide.

    Take these into account when selecting which system to buy, and browse through the game libraries of each system to see which has more titles that interest you. I think you'll be happy with either one, but it's best to make sure you're getting the most for your money. Happy hunting.
  • this is such a bad question. However, I have an xbox myself and I like it. The xbox has alot more exclusive titles but the ps3 is shaping up too because it has mgs4, lbp, resistnace and even Killzone which i was considering getting a ps3 for. So I would recommend an xbox because it is much cheaper right now. I think its like 170 bucks and the ps3 is still 300. So you can get an xbox with 2 games and it would cost the less than you just buying a ps3 without anything else. The only downside to an xbox is that you have to pay for the online services.
  • @ Roman

    Xbox may be cheaper in price, but to get wireless internet, that's $100 dollars. To get Xbox live, thats 50 dollars a year. To play HDdvd's (which are useless now) its about $140-$200. Then you get the red ring of death, and thats another $100-$200 dollars to repair. And you can't even use bluetooth head sets. But yeah, I guess you can play Halo 3....

    With the Playstation, you get a blu-ray player, you get internal wireless, free online connectivity, the ability to use any bluetooth head set to play online, HDMI 1.3, full 1080p, 7.1 surround, and great exclusives like MGS4, LBP, Uncharted 1 and 2, Killzone 2, inFAMOUS, God of War III, MAG, MLB: THE SHOW, Ridge Racer, GRan Turismo..

    Just think about it carefully.. And if you decide 360, then good luck playing Halo and Gears... Because those are the only "decent" exclusives.
  • It's simple isn't it? PS3 is the answer.

    Features: PS3 kicks 360's as* here. Yes it's expensive, but by just paying 100$ more, one gets Blu-Ray, Wifi, chargeable remotes working on bluetooth, better exterior, FREE online...

    Games: Currently, 360 has more games cause it was released a year earlier. But in terms of quality games, both have equal numbers of them. 360 has Halo whereas PS3 has Killzone 2, 360 has Gears 2, PS3 has MGS4.... But if you ask me which will eventually have better games, then the answer is PS3.

    Sony is and will continue to win the exclusives battle due to their first party exclusives. This is where Sony is seriously out classing M$. Since this generation started M$ has been losing first party studios like Bungie and Bizarre while Sony has added studios under their umbrella such as Guerrilla and Evolution. Sony is smart, instead of wasting tons of cash on timed exclusive deals for third party games they've invested that cash into their first party studios that will make games that will ALWAYS be on systems named Playstation. I heard that Sony has more studios under their roof than M$ and Nintendo combined. With studios like Guerrilla, Santa Monica, Naughty Dog, Polyphony Digital, Team Ico, etc. making first party titles for Sony you know that their systems will always have quality games.

    sony has upcoming exclusives like Infamous(A GTA kind game, but you have super powers!!!), MAG(support 256 online!!!), GOD OF WAR 3(Do I have to say anything.. biggest game ever!!), Quantum Theory(a TPS like Gears), Uncharted 2(will be bigger than the first one. It will also have better graphics than KZ2!!), GT5 (again the best racing game on full HD!!),FF vs 13 (though FF13 is multi-plat, vs 13 is still a PS3 exclusive and FF titles do rock). This when compared to 360's line up which consists of Halo:OSTD, Alan Wake and Ninja Gaiden 2 , is a juggernaut. (EDIT: NG2 isn't a 360 exclusive, it's been announced for the PS3 as well a few days back)

    So I feel, Sony has the edge over the games department.

    Online: 360 has better online I must admit. I personally prefer my 360 over PS3 in online. But the PSN is getting better day by day and offering more and more features with every update. Also, PS3 ONLINE is absolutely FREE unlike the 360 which charges 50$ annually. Though, 360 is better at online, PS3 isn't far away.

    Reliability: Again a place where PS3 blows the 360 out of the water. I own a 360 and the thing has broken 3 times till date whereas my PS3 which ironically is a year older to my 360 is working well. So, again PS3 wins here.

    So overall, PS3 wins according to me. It just gives so much more than a 360. It just a matter of time when Sony announces a price cut and then the PS3 would be some what affordable. But, if I am going to spend approx 300$ on a console (please don't tell that arcade costs 250 cause there isn't even a drive in it), I would consider shelling 100$ more and getting the PS3 cause it's future proof
  • Everything the 360 does PS3 does better. Online is free on PS3 and it is better than Xbox Live. You pay 50$ a year for Xbox's online service. Honestly you can't go wrong with PS3. Xbox's have a 33% failure rate while PS3s have just 1%. Xbox's errors are on the rise too.

    PS3 has a larger and game collection with more of a variety of games. PS3 has a lot of great games coming out this year like Killzone 2, God of War III, InFAMOUS, MAG and Uncharted: Among Thieves. PS3 has better sports games (exclusives like NBA 09 The Inside and MLB: The Show) It has better racing games (Motorstorm, Ridge Racer, Grand Turismo)Trust me you will not be disappointing in the PS3. It's cheaper too.

    If you don't believe me watch this video, all the games (except one) are PS3 exclusives and half of them have sequels:

    Price Comparasion:

    Xbox 360 Pro (60GB): 300$

    Wi-fi Adapter: 100$

    1 Year subscription to Xbox Live: 50$

    One New game: 60$

    Total: 510$

    80GB PS3: 400$

    Wi-fi: Free

    Playstation Network (online): Free

    One New game: 60$:

    Total: 460$

    It's cheaper to get a pS3 and you get more for what you payed for.

    Blu-Ray player

    Blue-tooth capabilities


    and a lot more.

    While Xbox comes with none of those.

    PS3's controls run of a rechargeable battery. You just plug it into the PS3. While Xbox runs off Double A batteries.

    PS3 is better in every aspect. If you had a PS2 a lot of games you enjoyed have sequels only on the PS3.

    E-mail me if you want some help picking out games.
  • Of course you will run into fanboys here so from someone who owns both and has no loyality to one or the other, here it is.


    I'll explain. You get a Blu-ray player, which might not be big for you now but like it or not, that's where things are heading. Do you see VHSs anywhere? DVDs will soon see that fate.

    Online is free, if you are into that. I personally don't care about online gaming but where it does effect me are with demos. Some Xbox Live demos require the subscription while none for PS3 do. There's built in WiFi and a bigger hard drive as well.

    As for games, yes 360 does have Halo 3 but personally, when ranking the top games that are exclusives, Halo 3 comes in at number three at best behind Metal Gear Solid 4 and LittleBigPlanet. GTA4 has exclusive DLC for 360 but more than likely it will make it's way to PS3 sometime. Fable 2 (Xbox 360) was something I was really excited about but honestly it was a flop for me.

    Anyway, in the short term, and even long term PS3 is probably the way to go. I like having both because I don't have to worry about exclusives but when it comes to picking a game to play on one or the other, the PS3 version is what I always pick.

    PS3 makes a lot less noise as well.
  • well, this is your choice but if you want my opinion i say the PS3 because it had killing graphics and it doesn't brake down a s easily as the X360. The X360 breaks down and has lots of problems. Plus, you can do much more with the PS3.

    But it is ur decision.
  • i think ps3 free internet and free demos for ever and xbox 360 you have to pay for internet and you have free demos for a year and then you have to pay iso i think ps3 hope my answer can help
  • I like PS3 better because there is so much more you can do and plus a XBOX360 breaks down easily.
  • I prefer the ps3. So far my xbox 360 has been collecting dust, since i've been playing the ps3 so much. All these great exclusives!
  • Actually, you have to decide yourself because if u are asking us then we're saying our opinion.
  • They are both good the graphics are similar
  • I think the PS3 because I prefer it.

    Honestly, it doesn't matter what we think.
  • the Playsattion 3 because the 360 is jsut a waste of money
  • i would say ps3 because it has a strong game linup out and upcoming and more features
  • PS3
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