Thursday, March 5, 2009

In PS3 how to kill Vamp in Metal Gear 4?

May be...
  • okay,

    1st you shoot him until he falls to the ground, its best to do this a few times to get the hang of it

    2nd while he is down, run up behind him and equip your syringe

    3rd while he he standing up, grab him using CQC, and stick the syringe in his neck,

    This will trigger a long cut scene as is normal for the brilliance of metal gear, but if you think killing vamp here is hard then you will find the next bit quite tricky as well as some other bits during the game. Add me to your contacts if you wish, and if you need anymore help with this game email me and i will gladly walk you through it. Good luck, let me know how you get on.
  • Get out the P90 and start shooting the crap out of Vamp.

    When he's down, equip the syringe and inject it into Vamp.

    It takes a couple of tries (depending on difficulty) and once you've done that, Raiden should come in and supposedly 'kill' Vamp off.

    I haven't played the game for a few months but I'm sure that that's what you need to do.
  • Kill Vamp. Go behind him,,equip a syringe as he is getting up, press 'triangle' (well atleast for my control scheme)-CQC. Timing is important.

    Type the same question in youtube. Plenty of videos out there showing how it's done.
  • Kill him. Then equip the Syringe, CQC him, and press Triangle to inject the Syringe.
  • it's a movie, raiden kills him so he thinks, but then raiden almost dies and vamp talks all this crap about he's almost ready.
  • depelete his health or stamina, then hell fall over. Whe he gets up get behind him and use the syringe naomi gave you earlier in the game
  • shoot him until he dies, then when he rises, equip your syringe, then cqc grab him and press triangle (to inject him)
  • Vamp is immortal you fool
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