Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Is Killzone 2 worth $60?

May be...
  • is the game really that good?
  • 60.00 would be the most you would want to pay for it.

    If you can get it for 50.00 then definitely get it.

    In my opinion it's one of the best PS3 games released. It has excellent single player and the multiplayer isn't much to complain about either.

    If you're not convinced by any of the answers then read this review and then make a decision: http://au.gamespot.com/ps3/action/killzo...

    There is also this video which is worth watching: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=roc27ujMy...
  • of course its worth it. it was created with the best graphics of any game on any console and it lives up to that standard. online play is amazing. if you dont like the controls, you can change it to a call of duty style called alternate 2 and raise the sensitivity which most people dont know about. online is so realistic and ranking system (i think) is better than Call of duty. by far one of the best games on the ps3.
  • Campaign, maybe a good game

    Multiplayer online, great game. I love , yes literally love, the class system. You can combine classes and they all feel balanced. Some people have trouble with the rocket launchers,lol, but if you have played any FPS before this shouldn't be a problem. Go to gamestop and it's like 45 with the edge card.
  • Well, it is the flagship game for the ps3 right now. I am having trouble getting used to the aiming(damn you cod4!). the graphics are amazing(as well they should be) and the story is good. Rent it first to see if you want to spend more money on it.
  • Diffinitly worth the money. Com'on Its exclusively made for the PS3..
  • I would buy it for like 50 dollars cause Killzone 2 should of had 2 players campaign and online. Then it would have been worth 60 dollars.

    But anyways I bought it for 60 and I'm really satisfy about it. It's a pretty good game.
  • its not as amazing as i thought but its worth the 60 but i mean it takes about 7 hours to beat the campaign plus an additional 20 hours for online not including trophies so that 30 hours of gameplay is worth it
  • YES

    The graphics are one of the best or maybe best and hte multiplayer is lovely the campaign is good too if you are american I guess

    but I like the Helghast more :)

    I hope I helped ;)
  • Way worth it. Play the Demo and you'll find out why.
  • I own the game. Its worth every dollar my friend. Superb online with NO lag. And a good single player campain to boot! BUY THIS GAME

    Who gave me thumbs down lol?
  • If you are interested in playing online then yes. If you are only going to do campaign and not go play online then no.
  • way worth the money
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