Thursday, March 19, 2009

Killzone 2 honestly disappoints me.?

May be...
  • Okay, you'd probably bash me, but I want logical answers.

    Yes, Killzone 2 is a great game, but...

    1. Is this really what us PS3 users think is the best ever?

    2. ffs, Guerrilla used 40GB out of the 50GB on the Blu-Ray discs... umm, Co-op and Splitscreen can be added for less.

    3. Okay, so, this is what got me pissed. I'm in Pyrrius Rise (Yeah, I forgot how to spell it) and I just got over 30 Snipes (yay me) and all of a sudden, BAM, disconnected from KZ2 servers. What the ****?

    C'mon guys. If you quit from a game or get disconnected, can I not get my rewards?

    Anyways, my question is:

    Do you really think Killzone 2 is the best PS3 game ever? From Nov. 17, 2006 until the end of 2010?

    Like, c'mon. We got Uncharted, God of War and Gran Turismo that look way better.
  • I feel it is the best FPS for the Sony Playstation, so far. When I saw Tekken Tag for the PS2 I thought is was the best PS2 game ever. But then other games came out. In it's catagory it blows everything out of the water. I feel the problem is people, one, think games are made by a game god who never makes a mistake. There not, they are made by humans, and humans make mistakes. There will never be a "perfect" game. There will always be some coding error, glitch, something. Second you can't compair apples to oranges. Killzone 2 is a First person Shooter, and in that catagory it wins in my eyes. To compare Gran Turismo to Killzone is like comparing a bird to a tiger, not the same. All it comes down to is games are a lot like movies, I like action movies, but I didn't see Crank because it did not look good to me. I liked terminator and till something better came along it was my favorite movie, then 2 came out and took over. I understand the game has faults, but what doesn't. All I'm saying is there were no glitch's or anything wrong with Uncharted. I highly doubt it, maybe for you there wasn't , but for some one there is.
  • MGS4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... Report Abuse
  • I have a feeling God of War 3 will take the title. Every single God of War game I have played has been out of this world. Even Betrayal, a PHONE game and its awesome, it even has decent story, you can upgrade weapons and kill giant monsters with real time instructions just like the PS2 and PSP versions. KZ2 is just a good FPS, probably the 2nd best on the PS3, but it isn't going to compare to to other titles. The PS3's best exclusive is still MGS4
  • yeah it kinda did that for me too

    no but at first glance yes but MGS4 is still at the top of the throne that is until God of War 3

    yeah true but they said it took away from the experience

    that happened to me too ui had 51 points and disconnected that got me hot headed they need to patch up those servers again it is irritating

    to answer that honestly no but even with all that bad stuff its still and elite playstation game not to be missed by true first person shooter fans
  • it's just an opinion. and I really can't say because I don't have the game. I'll be getting it next year because this year I just got an Xbox 360 and I always get a game once a month.
  • 1) No, I never thought KZ2 was the best game ever on the PS3. I still feel MGS4 has that title, but not many people are attracted towards it cause one has to play all MGS games. KZ2 has a wider market cause it's primarily a FPS and it although it's a sequel, it doesn't require a back log of knowledge. It's a straight shooter out of the box.

    2) KZ2 as you might know is the most demanding game on a console. Adding split-screen would sound easy, but trust me it isn't. Yes having no splits-screen is a drawback I agree, but still I have heard that Guerilla are working on DLC which will have it.. Anyways, I never cared about Co-op since I like playing my game alone... Personal Preference.

    3)The game shouldn't be blamed for it. Blame Sony or your internet connection. I am playing KZ2 online for quiet sometime and have encountered no issues.

    As I said before, KZ2 is not the best game Sony has offered us. Yes, it's one of the best, but there is no definitive winner. Some say it's MGS4, some say it's LBP, some say it's Uncharted... It all depends on what kind of game you like. I still standby my statement that KZ2 is the best FPS of this generation. I feel it's better than COD4 in many ways. Nearly all aspects of the game are superb.. right from graphics to map designing.... Some might disagree, but it's the most fun I have had and I also rate the experience higher than the one's I got with COD4, Gears1/2...

    The points which you have put up don't justify at all. A game 'disappoints' if it has a weak single player mode or weak online or both. A game never 'disappoints' if it doesn't have co-op cause it's an add on. Yes, may be now-a-days all FPSes have it, but it's not an integral part of a game.

    As far as the last part goes, I think the future PS3 games will be much better. Uncharted 2, GOW3, GT5 all are AAA titles and are rulers of their genres respectively. I can't comment cause none of them are out, but I can safely say that all of them will rock. But the point is that they are of different genre and KZ2 is a FPS.

    As far as this year goes, only contender that can steal KZ2's best FPS crown is COD:MW2. COD4 was a revolution and I hope COD:MW2 will be another one as well.
  • not true. you may not like it, but it is a good game. uncharted and GTA 4 are some of the few games actaull displayed in 1080p, but killzone 2 still (technically) has better graphics. i do agree with you on the disconnecting part. i have been disconnecting multiple times because my internet cuts out a lot and i dont get my many ribbons, and it can be frustrating. it is the largest use of GB on the blu ray format yet, so as time goes on, i do hope to see games that are even more. as for multiplayer, yeah it would be nice, but the game was designed for an amazing online experience. the campaign is great, but i havent even played it yet, so for me and most people, co op and offline multiplayer would be nice, but online is the main aspect of the game.
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