Saturday, March 14, 2009

Playstation 3 Live ?

May be...
  • Is the live on a playstation 3 free
  • ya u can play online with other friends and stuff and but the way it is called Playstation Network not Playstation Live
  • It is not called LIVE, like on the Xbox 360. It is called PSN, which stands for Play Station Network.

    Yes, it is free.
  • It's called PSN (Playstation Network)

    (You Xbox users need to know that)

    And yes it's free.
  • yes, and its called playstation network (psn)
  • Yes, the Playstation Network service is free.
  • well you have to pay an internet provider but other than that yeah its free
  • Who gives a flying sh** if its called live or psn but ya its free.
  • yeah playstation live is free man
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