Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Playstation 3 Question....?

May be...
  • Having Lots of Stuff on Your Ps3 Such As Song Photos Videos Will This Cause your ps3 To Freeze Cause Today I was play Cod5 And it Just Froze For No Good Reason...?
  • Yes. But COD: World At War is also a cause for this.

    If the songs were from the computer, and they came from Limewire (Or something similar) , they could contain viruses. As for the photos, yes. They can too.

    But, it is unlikely. As there are no PS3 specific viruses. But some Windows viruses can interfere with some basic PS3 components. Like online connectivity. And when the PS3 reads the virus, it is trying to figure out how to read it. (As a program or photo file etc) And when the PS3 can't decide what kind of file it is, it will freeze so it can't harm the PS3s data.

    So, just to be safe. Go and remove the photos that you downloaded off of the internet, and only keep the ones that you took yourself.

    Same with the songs. If you didn't rip them to the PS3 yourself, they must have came from a computer. And even if the song came from a good source like iTunes, viruses can 'attach' to this file. Making it a hidden virus.

    In a simple answer, Yes. The files on the PS3 can and will freeze your PS3. But only if it is a virus.

  • No, my COD4 did that, its an excellent machine but very VERY rarely, you may get these kinds of crashes.

    Check your disk and installation first, as long as you have some free space, there's no reason why this should be a problem. The game box might say on the spec what minimum HDD space is required.

    Good luck
  • unfortunately i don't have a ps3 yet.But sometimes my ps2 froze for no reason and still dose when i play Nascar 09.It could be just to system or the game. A glitch probably
  • u can bring your ps3 down to my shop and my technician will do a routine check for u.
  • nope. jus happends sometimes. its definitely not ur songs photos etc.
  • i agree with wiiplay
  • If thats a question...

    Get grammer lessons.
  • No it wouldn't.

    My PS3 freezes sometimes as well, no biggie.
  • No.
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