Sunday, March 29, 2009

PlayStation3 next firmware update.?

May be...
  • does anyone know what will be next PlayStation3 firmware update and when. and if anyone knows any information about MAG
  • the latest is 2.60

    Looks like a PS3 firmware update may be happening today or tomorrow, folks. We reported details on the upcoming Resistance 2 patch which includes a number of features, one being multiple PSN log-ins. Many of our readers chimed in, saying this is a feature not possible with the current PS3 firmware.

    We got potential confirmation of a pending PS3 firmware update through our comments section. Insomniac Games' James Stevenson responded to our post clarifying the situation. "Resistance 2 is the first game to fully log-in two PSN accounts. LBP only logs you in locally, and does not register both accounts as online through PSN. This is a big difference, and what is required for split-screen online co-op with other folks."

    Here's the smoking gun: "And it was dependent on a Sony update, hence why it wasn't in when the game shipped." If the R2 patch is available on March 26th, then a new PS3 firmware update may be necessary today or tomorrow. It will have to allow for multiple PSN sign-ins, but will it feature any other improvements? Stay tuned.
  • don't listen to anyone..everything at this point is just speculation..noone aside from Sony themselves knows what the next update will have and when it will be released...

    check out this site

    they are going to be the first people out of everyone on the internet to have the information
  • It will be out in April.

    Version 2.70

    It will allow Multiple User Sign-ins (e.g you can be signed into 2 different PSN accounts. 5-6 games have been patched for split screen online from the same console, Resistance 2 one of them. So you will be able to split screen with a friend and play online. More games will support this after.

    No details on MAG yet.
  • Dude there's a rumor that firmware 2.70 will be released this March. But it's almost April so maybe April is the release date. There are no details YET.

    Happy gaming!

    I don't know any information about MAG sorry.
  • I heard a rumor about cross game voice chat in the next update but it was just a rumor.

    As for MAG we have no info since E3,
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