Sunday, March 29, 2009

Does anyone know what has happened to my Playstation 3?

May be...
  • Today my PS3 decided not to work anymore. When I turn it on it goes to the menu screen. Everything works in the menu, but when I put in a game it takes it in and nothing happens on the screen. It just stays in the menu as if I had put nothing in it. I tried several games to see if my game was defective, but it isn't- it does this to all games.

    My friend also has a PS3 and he complains of problems with it also. I am beginning to think that this system is a piece of crap.

    What is wrong with my Playstation, and how can it be fixed???

    FYI- I have this system for about 10 months.
  • My friend system did the same thing to him, when I formatted the HDD it started to load the disc. So I recommend to save your info off your system & format the HDD. If that don't work then I advise you call Sony

  • if it is just happening with ps3 games, then your blu-ray laser has burned out. try other things to see if it works or not. Try a dvd or a cd, if they all work then it's the blu-ray diode.
  • open the ps3 up and clean the lazer.

    go to youtube and type in "opening ps3"

    The main problem is dust clouding the lazer, you can fix it yourself for free.

    Im having the same problem right now, check my questions.
  • call sony at 1-800-345-7669 (1-800-345-SONY)

    sony ps3 has warranty for 1 year from the original date of purchase
  • Try starting it again. Same thing happened to me last night. Just turn it off. If it doesnt turn off, turn off the power switch.
  • fone sony they will exchange it for the same model as yours either new or reburbished one your still under warrenty soit will be free
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