Monday, March 30, 2009

Should I buy COD 4 or COD WAW? PS3?

May be...
  • easy question... cod5 is ww2, they have grenades that stick and molotovs and frags..tanks, artillery,radar dogs and you can be revived in last stand. (perk in where you get shot down, you lay, unmovable but can fire a pistol)

    cod4 is more modern, has radar, air strike, helicopter, different perks and cant be revived in last stand.

    also cod5 has nazi zomibes, omfg...

    depends on wat year of warfare you like really
  • CoD 4 was a LOT better in my opinion. I couldn't even get through WaW - it was too frustrating trying to use those raggedy weapons with their outdated targeting sites. The "ring sites" on the rifles in the Medal of Honor (the older ones - not 'Airborne') games used to be dead-on - these are really fuzzy as to where you're actually aiming, and without a scope, it's quite hard to get anything done on WaW - at least to me. I absolutely loved CoD 4, though!
  • COD4 fo sho its the best of the best :))
  • cod4 i have both and its a lot more fun and its way cheaper
  • COD 4
  • COD 4$?
  • cod 4
  • COD4 for PS3
  • COD4 is the best.
  • cod4.
  • cod4 its way better I own it
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