Friday, March 6, 2009

PS3 online gameplay.?

May be...
  • Hey, i am planning on buying a PS3, and i was wondering about its online gameplay. how is the online gameplay for COD5? compare it to the 360. No PS3 fanboys or 360 fanboys please.

  • PS3 online is free.

    I was playing cod5 lastnight, and their was over 20,000 people online.

    Gameplay for cod5 is great and the wait between matches is only about 2 minutes.

    I highly recomend it
  • i own both consoles and i play COD 5 on the 360 and Killzone on the ps3 and well the online play is basically the same maybe just a few seconds more of loading time for the ps3 but is basically the same and i have not played cod 5 for the ps3 but i'm guessing is basically the same as playing it on the 360

    and i'm guessing there is not really that big of a difference between people playing online on the 360 and the ps3

    the only thing you have to worry about when buying a console is about the exclusives man the online play is pretty much the same to me
  • COD5 gameplay is very smooth with no lag (for me), there is always a ton of people playing it no matter what time of day so you will always get into a game fast.

    My personal opinion is COD5 is a awesome game, but Killzone 2 is better and more fun to play (especially online) so I would recommend you buy Killzone 2 instead of COD5
  • I have not had any trouble playing online. Ive played COD5, Formula 1, Soul Calibur and Street Fighter 4 online. No lag whatsoever.
  • Are you asking how many people a game?

    Well lets say your playin socom. There's about 50 servers. 256 players a server and about and where from 8-32 playes a game.

    I belive COD is same way.

    But MAG is coming out this there it will be 256 player rooms so imagine all those people playing each other. The graphics are better so I think gameplay is better.
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