Sunday, March 15, 2009

PS3 Worth Trading For XBOX 360?

May be...
  • Hi I have a PS3 40GB PS3 with only one game I REALLY play, COD4 online. Don't get me wrong though, there are tons of games I like on the PS3, just right now I am interested in COD4. I could easily trade it for a 360, but I am wondering if its worth it. All of my friends have a PS3, so if I got XBOX, I would have no one to play with like that.
  • PS3

    -one of the best blu ray players on the market if not THE best (blu ray players with the same capabilities as the ps3’s run from 500-600 dollars)

    -free online play

    -rechargeable controllers

    -VERY reliable and durable

    -will have more games than the 360 at the end of 2009 (with bigger and better titles)

    -online play is great

    -amazing graphics

    -great selection of games

    -game discs are blue ray

    -better graphics card and faster processor than 360

    -only 0.2% defective rate after opened from box

    -won best console of 2008

    -built in free wifi

    -double coated discs that protect it against scratches even from steel wool. (check the video on youtube, its impressive!).


    -larger online community

    -online costs money to use

    -30% defective rate after opened from box (yes, 30!)

    -breaks down and creates the ring of death (scoring of the discs until they arent readable)

    -amazing graphics

    -great selection of games

    -has HD DVD player (which is obsolete and useless because they only make Blu Ray DVDs, not HD DVDs.)

    -not cheaper than the ps3. wifi adapter is 100 bucks and 1 year of online is 50 ($150 added to any bill)

    Dont waste your time with an xbox they will just break. i have owned both for a long time and the PS3 is by far the better choice. so its 100 dollars more...big deal. you get a larger hard drive and an amazing blu ray player. dont listen to bias people. you will get xbox lovers saying how the ps3 is junk. they are beyond ignorant. they are both amazing but the ps3 triumphs.
  • No do not trade it in that is such a bad idea the PS3 comes with way more stuff then Xbox360 for your money it has a blu-ray player with bluetooth and wi-fi built into it and more hard-drive memory and better picture and sound and better games too besides only games that Xbox360 has on PS3 is Halo and Gears of war which are getting old anyway we go KZ2 and LIttle big planet and Metal gear solid 4 and much more i seriously don't why more people play xbox
  • It's not worth getting a 360,I mean I know 360 got Halo and Gears of War and all.But if you don't have enough money for Xbox Live,then you're screwed.You basically got nothing to do on 360 but only play with friends that live near you.360 is just basically crap if Gears of War or Halo didn't existed(In my opinion.)So yeah keep the PS3 and play online with friends.
  • Lol thats why you make friends!

    Personally I prefer xbox360 alot more

    but I also have a ps3 and it can be lots of fun sumtimes!

    xbox has a larger variety of games & better accesories!

    I love them both but if I had to god for bid choose

    Itd be the 360!..I say go for it! but if you feel you may regret it

    then stick to what you know =] besides Killzone2 just came out

    wooo! Lol
  • If you like to play online then I would keep the PS3 as you don't have to pay to play on PS3 like you do with XBOX live. I own the 360 and I never use it I prefer the PS3 much more. But it depends what titles your after on the 360.
  • dont trade in ur ps3, please!!! that would be a sin. i have my ps3 and it works flawlessly. i use it to watch movies and losten to music thru my computer... and also, i have linux installed on it, now it is a full fledged computer.. xbox cant do that :)
  • NOOO dont trade ur ps3 for a xbox 360 cuz a ps3 also has a blueray dvd player :)
  • Is a Ferrari worth trading for a Chevy?
  • lol trade it in. Thats prob the smartest business decisions ever. *End sarcasm.*
  • don't do it.
  • No way, Ps3 is way better! :P

    jaidon =)
  • illl play cod5 with u on ps3

    parksideus is my name

    dont trade it in, ur only downgrading urself
  • if you're prepred to pay to play cod4 online then go for it

    but right now ps3 is free for online

    your choice
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