Sunday, March 15, 2009

Is there any way that ps3 could catch xbox 360 by games?

May be...
  • i know by graphics ps3 is better than 360

    but by games 360 is little bit better, because 360 came out 1 year early..

    so do you think ps3 can catch up by games?

    can ps3 catch up by its upcoming games and new games?
  • The 360 did have a big head start because it came out during the previous generation. But the PS3 can catch up if it stops allowing the 360 to take their exclusives
  • they have already started. 2009 is the year of the ps3. 360 has some nice games like halo and gears of war, but thats really it. ps3 has killzone 2 (best graphics of any game to date) little big planet (very fun for some reason) god of war 3, metal gear solid 4, motor storm, ratchet and clank, uncharted, and warhawk, just to name a few. there are tons more coming out. the 360 was released a year early, and the selection of games may be large, but there are only a few that have made a strong impact. the ps3 has way more exclusives that do a lot better then top 360 exclusives (other than halo and GoW). with the latest titles, it is evident that the ps3 will have MORE games than the 360 with BIGGER titles by late 2009. so yes, sony is working hard, but the ps3 is catching up and will be pass the 360 very soon.
  • It kind of already has. The PS3 has many more exclusives because Sony actually develops games, rather than just publish them (as MS does).

    There are a lot of games coming or the PS3 this year, while the 360 lineup is looking pretty slim. The PS3 has inFamous, FF Versus, Gran Turismo, ICO 3 (untitled atm), Heavy Rain, White Knight Chronicles, Demon Souls, MAG, Wardevil, God of War 3, a new Jak and Ratchet and Clank game, etc all coming this year and next. The 360 has a Halo expansion, and some DLC. Its possible that MS are hiding every game they are publishing, but I doubt it (maybe a Forza/PGR game and a couple of RARE titles).

    Right now the PS3 is looking to overtake the 360 pretty quickly. Personally I prefer the PS3 exclusives anyway (I think they're of better quality). The only real 360 exclusives that I'd really get are Halo and Gears, and that isn't enough to get me to buy a 360.
  • There is no doubt at all.

    2009 and 2010 are gonna be the PS3's best years, probably.

    Some exclusives coming out these years:

    God of War III

    Heavy Rain - THE most amazing graphics I have ever seen!

    Gran Turismo 5 - A brilliant racing game, and the best racing game in my opinion.

    Uncharted 2

    Killzone 2 - Well it's already out, but it is pretty new, and we all know that tons of people are dying to get it.


    Kingdom Hearts 3

    And so much more. And besides, all the other great games that come out for both, like Fallout 3, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Gran Theft Auto IV, and Final Fantasy XIII are going to let the PS3 get on the top of the list.

    It will take time, but I am sure the PS3 will top the Xbox 360.
  • I would like to remind you that the year of the PS3 was meant to be 2008, and now its meant to be 2009, or 2010, do you see where this is going. It's never going to catch up.
  • never possible
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