Sunday, March 15, 2009

Hey guys which ps3 game should i buy for my ps3?

May be...
  • i bought my ps3 last summer with gta iv game

    so i think it's time to get another guy so which of these you recomened

    buying, btw: i like games that isn't that hard to play!!!

    1. metal gear solid 4?

    2. killzone 2?

    3. resistance 2?

    4. a wrestling game?

    5. call of suty 4, or 5?

    6. assasins creed?

    7. resident evil 5?

    ok which one should i buy?
  • MGS4 - won the game of the year award by so many reviewers, Its easily the best ps3 game there is now,. It has an AMAZING plot, it has stealth, and also good action,the graphics are superb.. online can get addicting , and its fun the buttons at first may take a while to get used too, but after running thru the 1st mission it will come natural..oh and one important thing,, this is the only game on this list that runs native on 1080p, the rest may say on the box 1080p but it runs on 720p and gets upscaled to 1080.. MGS4 is FULL 1080p. maybe kill zone 2 is 1080p native, im not too sure,

    COD 4 or 5? if ur planning of getting COD, get COD4, more ppl prefer COD4 over 5 because its more fun online. COD single player mose is intense but very short, the best thinof COD4 is the online mode, You will never get bored of playing online, it is very addicting, easy controls, very intense battles, pretty much the most fun you'll have online. lots of ppl play it, and its still considered as one of the best online and FPS out now, and it came out in 2007.

    wrestling game - NO, i see ur a wwe fan, so was I in the 90's ps1 and 2 era, so i know why it would be cool to have a wwe game, but SvR09 can never compete with the other games u have here listed.

    assasins creed - this game is good but only if ur into very long quests and repetative gameplay.. Im not bashing on this game, but this game isnt for every one, the story is mediocre, the gameplay get repetative as you play along.. the graphics tho are amazing, and its open BIG world is amazin at first, but annoying wen u have to ride a horse for 5-ten mins just so u can go to a town . this is a good game but its not a top contendor in this list.

    resident evil 5 - this is a new game, ive played the demo AND im a huge RE fan.. i love RE and this game is definatley a must buy if ur a RE fan. if ur not a fan , then this game would not be as great as MGS4 or COD4. but, the graphic are great, the plot is just like any RE games. online isnt as fun or great as you would expect. its probably cool when you play ur first time online, but it can get laggy annoying. RE5 is a good game but not the best out of the ones here

    Resistance 2 - I never played this game, but ive read that it has the best online features, 64 players playing at once, WITH NO LAG watso ever. sounds like a pretty cool online game.. and im sure, like most FPS, the single player mode wont be nothing too spectacular. FPS has grown into a multiplayer tyoe game.. cant say too much about this game.. ive read in alot of places that it got good reviewa, and it has won many awards for best online play of 2008.

    Killzone 2- KZ2 as u noticed, has great graphics, ive played the demo and i must admit it takes a while so u can get confortable with it, the buttons arent as responsive as COD4, i cant say too much cuz i havent played it alot. but it has gotten many good reviews, and by what ppl are talking about, its possible that it could be the best FPS out this year,

    So out of that 7 game list the top 3 choices would be MGS4 COD4 and kill zone 2. It all depends what you like.. if you want an overall more complete game, with the best plot in probably the gaming history, but definatley the best plot in the last 5-9 yrs. great gameplay good online play and awesome graphics running at a native 1080p, get MGS4, also professionalgame reviewers say that MGS4 is a masterpiece of a game.

    if you like shooters, FPS to be exact, and like big shootouts and bullets flying everywhere , bombs explodin in your face, and very very addicting online play get COD4 or killzone2..

    if u want realistic guns and more of a realistic shooter( by realistic i mean that you are in real locations real guns and their mechanics and shooting ppl, think gran turismo but wit guns. get COD4

    if u want more of a fantasy based world , theres no problem with that, go with kill zone 2

    i hope this helps out with the choosing procces,
  • If you want a wrestling game I recommend getting WWE Legends of Wrestlemania I'll be getting that as soon as it gets released here on March 20th.

    I just got Resident Evil 5 I played the demo and enjoyed it then bought the game and it's a game worth buying.

    As for Resistance 2 I own it and I thought it was pretty good CO-OP is worth buying it for but personally I am not a big fan of First Person Shooters I am more of a Third Person Shooter fan.

    Assassin's Creed is a decent game the story is rather weak but the graphics are amazing a lot of detail within the game but it gets annoying how long it takes getting to places. The game seems to repeat it's self during missions it gets really repetitive.
  • Do you play online? If you don't then I'd narrow it down to MGS4. That has good online portion as well, but is also one of the better single player games. Resistance 2 is a great game, but doesn't feel complete without the online modes (co-op is awesome).

    If you do play online then MGS4, Killzone, COD, or Resistance is going to give you the most for your money. It just depends on what you want. MGS4 is more stealth based (it also has complex controls, although they are really good after you get used to them). The rest are basically run and gun with Killzone keeping a slightly slower pace (which I prefer). Resistance is great for the co-op.

    If you want a game that's easy to play then either COD game is probably what you'll want. The controls in that game are pretty responsive, and easy to master. Many people complain about Killzone's controls (even though I don't see a problem with them) because its a bit harder to aim.

    Killzone and MGS4 are the best looking games out of the options, if that matters to you as well.
  • If your looking for a great online get cod5.

    If you want a good and long story get Assassins Creed.Mgs4 is also an awesome game in story and it has online.

    I heard Resident Evil 5 is good, but I haven't gotten it yet, but if your looking for zombie co-op this is the choice (cod5 also has nazi it if you don't know what it is)

    Edit: Since most games bring easy modes they wont be very hard to play lol.
  • Killzone 2

    Also, all wrestling games are awful, so don't get any. It's better to just watch the awesome shows.
  • Well Metal gear is f**king awesome but hard to play like you have to think when you play them game if i were i would get Killzone 2 is just plan greatest PS3 game out so far
  • Resistance 2
  • i just bought call of duty world at war its great and need for speed underworld smack down 09
  • mgs4! re 5 isn't bad either
  • Well, all are good, but I would think between only 2-MGS4 and KZ2. Rest are also great games (especially COD4), but I still feel that both above games are worthy of being bought.

    If you are a MGS fan, then buy MGS4 blind-folded. It has a story worthy of a Hollywood script and the gameplay is good. There are horrendous amounts of cut scenes in the game (some go on for 30-45 min!!!), so if you don't care a sh*t about story, then don't look at MGS4. Other than that, it is undoubtedly the best game on Ps3.

    KZ2 is the best looking game on a console till date. The game has awesome gameplay and the atmosphere created by game takes you into the middle of the war. It's undoubtedly the best FPS of this generation and the best FPS on a console at least. It doesn't have much of a plot, but the action and animations in the game compensate big time.

    Note: KZ2 is a little tough. It's not unplayable, but the controls do take getting used to. But, once you get over the learning curve, the game is truly enjoyable. Trust me, it's an experience not to be missed.

    The answer depends on which you like more. MGS4 is kind of like a third person stealth shooter where as KZ2 is a FPS. If you haven't played any MGS before, then go for KZ2 as you won't understand a thing what's happening. KZ2 is an awesome game. It doesn't have much of a plot. It's a linear shooter, but is intense and just breath taking to look at. Buy any one you have more interest in.
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