Sunday, March 15, 2009

Should i buy a PLAYSTATION 3?

May be...
  • i dont know if buying a PS3 is a good choice right now, but is there going to be a price cut? should i wait? or shoould i trade in my loved PS2 to get a awesome PS3? no 360 fanboys say 360 RULZ because remember R.R.O.D.
  • Well in my opinion i would keep the PS2 because of all the Ratchet and Clank i own all the games(Even the ones on PSP) and im a big fan so i would just wait or buy one now because the PS3 is a outstanding console so mite not say so though because it is true that less people play and it's least bought console but all it mean is less annoying 12 year old Halo fags that talk crap on the mic which is highly unbearable and for being the less bought is mostly because of the price being so high but that is what it worth and you have to put yourself in Sony's position they could lose alot of money by the price drop if sales don't increase and plus the PS3 has a blu-ray player with wi-fi and blue-tooth built in and 80gb or 160gb hard-drive and amazingly beautiful picture and graphics(Better then the Xbox360) and better sound
  • If you don't play your PS2 and want to get a PS3 then do it. If you aren't sure then don't rush into the sale. I doubt the price will drop anytime soon. Sales are going so well. Just remember that if you get one of the newer models you won't be able to play your beloved PS2 games on it.
  • If you can buy a PS3 the BUY ONE! Its worth it! Xbox360 is really good but PS3 is way better. I had to get rid of my loved PS2 to get a PS3, and it was worth it. SO BUY ONE!
  • just buy one if you also like to play creative games like little big plannet. you wanna just play shooting games buy 360
  • Just get a PS3.
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