Tuesday, March 17, 2009

What are some up and coming exclusives for the ps3?

May be...
  • say within the next year or so...

    and also, the time frame for these and where can i check these out on some site?
  • Heavy Rain (Action-Detective) - Q2 or Q3

    inFamous (Action-Adventure Sandbox) - June

    Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (Action-Adventure) - Holiday Season

    God of War III (Action-Adventure) - Holiday Season OR March 2010

    Gran Turismo 5 (Racing) - TBA

    Final Fantasy XIII Versus (TBA) - TBA

    Command and Conquer: Red Alert 3 (Real-Time Strategy) - March 23

    L.A. Noire (Action-Detective) - TBA

    Massive Action Game (256 Players Online MMOFPS) - TBA

    PSN Downloadable Games:

    Burn, Zombie Burn! (2D Zombie Survival) - March 30

    Fat Princess (32 Player Online, TBA Genre) - Spring

    And more.
  • Have you seen the thing for Playstation that records. I can't remember what it's called but you be able to hook it up to your TV and record it onto the Playstation to watch later. I bit like Foxtel IQ . There's no release date yet though look it up on eb games or something
  • Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is the big one coming out in 09. I think November is the release date for that game. Check IGN or Gamestop's websites and scroll through the upcoming games.
  • -M.A.G. (Massive Action Game)

    -Uncharted Drakes Fortune 2 (Among Thieves)

    -GOW (God Of War III)


    -Red Alert 3


    these are for 09....2010 is to far to tell
  • Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, Gran Turismo 5, Ratchet and Clank Future II, God of War III and M.A.G.
  • the ones i am looking for are

    God of War 3

    Uncharted 2

    Heavy Rain

    Grand turismo 5


  • Uncharted 2

    God of War III


    Heavy Rain


    Untitled Team Ico Project
  • this year, they'll come out with god of war 3 that will go right to the top of the chart
  • infamous

    god of war 3

    uncharted 2


    heavy rain
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