Thursday, March 19, 2009

What can happen with a ps2?

May be...
  • hey i want to ask that i am going to buy a new Ps2 ,so can someone list what are the technical problems that can happen with a ps2 like can ps2 get virus or some malious ?

    sorry but i dont know much about ps2

    thx aaaaaaalot
  • In my long run with sony, ive had 2 ps2s because the first one kept getting a disc read error. I contacted sony, and someone told me it was the laser within the system had worn out. DVDs and Cds seem to do this. The laser lens works for about a min when you load a ps2 game or ps1 game. When reading a dvd or cd the laser lens is in use the WHOLE time. Leaving that dvd on your ps2 all day can easily ruin you laser lens. Smoke is another killer of ps2s, in addition to any system really. You really don't have to worry about viruses, Ps2 does have online capabilities, but no web browser, realistically you could only get some sort of virus if someone hacked a sony server of a game you would play online.
  • I got a ps2 a couple of years ago,and got a wii a couple of years later and forgot about it. When I plugged it back in again,I couldn't play it. It's basicly broken now. I'm glad though,I HATED IT. It overheated EVERY FREAKING TIME I USED IT! NO,it can't get a virus because it has no internet. Buy a wii..they never freeze up,overheat or anything and they have internet access.
  • it's like the safest platform in the world, there's not much that can damage a ps2, whether it's a virus or anything else malicious.

    seriously, you can drop them from windows and they'll still work.

    if you cant afford a ps3, then get a hold of a ps2. you cant go wrong with soooooooooo many games to choose from.

    i think im gonna go and buy one right now...
  • Don't buy one of those as nobody is making games for them anymore and it will be a waste of money.

    Just for the record though they can't get viruses because they have no online capabilities.

    Buy a Ps3 or XBox 360 or Nintendo Wii instead.

  • Best system ever! There is a massive game library.
  • if you don't know much about PS2, you might want to check out PS3 as well...
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