Friday, March 20, 2009

What's the hardest bronze trophy to get on PS3?

May be...
  • Afraid to say I am turning into a little bit of a trophy whore, it's just so addictive, I can't seem to just enjoy the games anymore, I'm always looking what trophy is next......sad I know but I did the same with achievments on the 360 before it broke for the 4th time (piece of cr@p). Anyway I think the easiest gold trophy ever has to be on Sega mega drive collection, (collect 100 coins with tails) and if you campare that with what you have to do on Killzone to get a gold, it's a joke. What has been your hardest bronze to obtain or easiest gold? Also I hope game devlopers don't just 'give away' gold trophies to sell games. Thanks, any trophy let downs or suprise stories would be cool, oh and getting 100% on COD 5 almost killed me, hardest by far....yet lol.
  • The hardest bronze trophies are in Killzone 2.

    You have to be in the Top 10% or 6% (something like that) of all players in Killzone 2 and you only get a bronze trophy.
  • it's top 10% or 6% of that week.

    Killzone resets the servers every sunday.

    so if theres 200,000 people 10% of that would be 20,000.

    so really its not that bad honestly more people the easier it gets.

    honestly the PAIN trophies are pretty hard... Report Abuse
  • Hardest bronze might just be to get 15 headshots with the VC32 sniper rifle in Killzone 2.

    Haven't earned a gold yet, my only trophy games are Killzone 2 and Super Stardust HD.
  • GTA4 is brilliant on PS3. You'll enjoy it, but theres loads more secret stuff hidin around in the most randomest places. I finished it, and it said I only finished 2 percent when i'd actually ended the game. So it's pretty hard. For example, there are like 200 "flying rats" around "liberty city". you have to find them all, and shoot them, and even that doesnt get you a trophy.

    also, you have to play hec of alot of games on Fifa 09 to get any trophy atall.

    if you like action games, tho, uncharted is fairly hard to get trophies on, but its good gamplay.

    the best is gta4 tho for an addicted gamer.
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