Friday, March 20, 2009

Playstation 3 freezes and displays green spots or blobs onscreen?

May be...
  • My 20GB ps3 which I just recently upgraded to a 160GB has gone kaput. Everytime I boot it up i displays these green blobs or spots on the screen and the freezes up. Please help its way past warranty and I don't have the slightest clue what to do! If anyone knows how to fix it or what its gonna cost me would be great. So help me if there any x-bot fanboy posts i will flag you, i need genuine help.
  • Well, the first thing I would suggest is to throw your old 20GB HDD back in and see if you have the same problem. If not, it is quite possible(though not 100% guarenteed) that the new HDD was not properly formatted.

    If you have the same issue with the old HDD, then it may be a simple technical fix, or your system might be shot. Either way, you'd have to call Sony. A few things I'd suggest doing if/when you call them:

    - write down the name of the representitive you spoke to, if possible

    - write down whatever refrence/order/repair/etc number you are givin

    - make sure you follow all shipping directions you are givin. A lot of people who have sent out their consoles in the past(and I'm talking from the NES - present gen) did not follow shipping directions and had their consoles returned to them unrepaired, and they had to start the whole process over again.

    - MAKE SURE YOU REMOVE ALL MEDIA FROM THE CONSOLE! By media, I mean CDs, game discs, etc. Unless they specifically ask you to send the HDD with the console, remove it as well. Legally, they are not responsable for any additional media that is left in the console.

    - Lastly, if your console is repaired keep any and all paperwork that you recieve in a file folder. This way you have a papertrail, provided by Sony, should something happen to your repaired console.
  • have you tried putting the 20gb hard drive back in the ps3 and testing to see if it works....

    go down to your local gaming store and ask them for help...that would be your best chance...
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