Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Which is better ps3 or xbox?

May be...
  • ok so my hubby wants a ps3 or xbox, im completely clueless. Why are they around the same price range? Whats the difference between them?

    And what should I buy the system by itself or the bundle?

    Ive noticed that an 80 GB ps3 system is like $399 and a 160 gb is about $500. What is the better deal?

    Also which game console is best overall?

    (I'm not planning on saving too many games on the system ( if this helps)
  • Why you should get a PS3 and NOT a Xbox 360

    The *expected* lifetimes of current home video game consoles:

    Xbox 360--2005-2010, you'll get 1 and a half years out of it

    Wii-2006-2010, you'll get 1 and a half years out of it

    Playstation 3-2015 (Sony said they made it to last 10 years, so 2006+10 years=2016, round it down just to be safe), you'll get 7 years out of it.

    In short, it has better reliability, multimedia capabilities, a large list of exclusives and more coming out in 2009 and in the future and it has over-the-top graphical capabilities (google “Heavy Rain”). And to those who say the Xbox 360 is cheaper, well then just look at the following list:

    With the PS3, you get:

    -A Blu-Ray player, which if you wanted one of equal value would blow at least a $700 hole in your wallet

    -Free online service

    -An ever-growing list of exclusives, like Resistance 2, LittleBig Planet, Motorstorm: Pacific Rift, Metal Gear Solid 4 and in the future: inFamous, Killzone 2, God of War 3, Uncharted 2, L.A. Noire, Heavy Rain and Massive Action Game (M.A.G.—in which over 256 players will be able to play on the same map at the same time, 128 VS 128)

    -More flexible in terms of hardware, e.g. swappable HDD, USB mini cable, etc.

    -Built in, superior Wi-Fi

    -Web browser

    -A super sleek system complete with chrome trim and a slot loading disc drive

    -HDMI 1.3, Xbox 360 only has HDMI 1.2 (major difference despite only a 0.1 difference)

    With the Xbox 360, you get:

    -DVD Player/upconverter

    -Xbox live, which is $50/year, and not even worth it

    -Halo 3 and Gears of War 2 (that’s a lot of exclusives compared to the PS3, if you ask me: P)

    -Umm…can’t really say anything about non-proprietaryness, because Microsoft inflates the prices for their accessories. 120GB for $150? With the PS3, you can upgrade to 500GB for $110!

    -A 1 in 3 failure rate (it's not "if", it's "when")

    -Many people are on their 5th or 6th 360's already because of RROD, and my friend is on his 12th!

    So here’s a quick run-down of what you must buy with the PS3 and 360:


    Console $400

    Game $60

    Controller $55

    Charger $2-10--any USB mini cable will do

    Total: $517 ($2 USB mini cable)

    Really, if you bought all the things the PS3 offers SEPERATELY, you would be able to buy roughly 3 PS3's with that money (gaming console+computer+SUPERB Blu Ray player)

    Xbox 360:

    Console $300

    Game $60

    Controller $60

    Play and Charge kit x2 $60 (for 2 controllers)

    Xbox Live $60

    Wi-Fi $100

    Total: $640

    That’s not cheaper, so get a grip on it! The multi-platform games are using about 25% of the PS3's graphical potential. So there's lots of wiggle room in the future for much more brighter, detailed and massive environments.

    On the other hand, most multiplatform games are using about 98% of the 360’s potential. And they look the same, if not better on the PS3. At this rate in 1 year, the PS3 will have outshone the 360 graphic wise. It’s just that the 8-core Cell Broadband Processor is very complex, and takes developers time to get used to. And they are getting the hang of things. The PS3 has a very good reliability rate: only 0.2% failure rate (note the decimal), while Xbox 360's have a 30% failure rate. So, for every 1000 of both consoles produced, 2 PS3's are defective, whilst about 330 Xbox 360's are defective. The numbers speak for themselves. Many game developers have OPENLY stated that in the near future, and right now, they will use the PS3 as a lead-developing platform, and then they will port the games to the 360.

    Xbox Live VS PSN? The only thing you are missing is cross voice chat, which can easily be solved by using a telephone, or even in PSN’s V3.00 update, which we will be seeing soon enough.

    The PS3 has sold 21 million units in 2 years. The Xbox 360 has sold 28 million in 3 years. Plus a 33% failure rate, that means that 9.24 million units are either refurbished ones or replacements. So really, the amount of one-time buyers is about 19 million. So really, the PS3 has sold 21 million in 2 years, while the Xbox 360 has sold 19 in 3 years, and the PS3 has a higher face value ($199.99 vs. $399.99)

    So in conclusion, the PS3 is better—you get the most bang for your buck, and it's an incredibly advanced all-in-one home media center hub. You can even install Linux or Windows XP and use it as a computer—legally! While with the Xbox 360, Microsoft will ban your 360 from certain things, if you install the OS at all (just try to bypass the security).

    Hope this helps!


    --PS3 expert--
  • It really is in your mind what is best. There is no "better" system like everyone says.


    pros-cooler games right now, costs less, has more selection of gaming, less trouble with online play, netflix movies

    cons-online costs $60 a year, not compatible with 1080p TV, not as good graphics, red ring of death


    pros-awesome graphics, blu-ray built in, free online play, just as good as 360 maybe better, some epic games coming out later this year, last longer than the 360 and has a bigger warranty

    cons-costs too much for todays economy, has less selection of gaming, more troubles with online play, some games don't have as good graphics as they should, today no backwards compatiblity meaning the price is higher than it should be.

    All in all its up to you get one you hate it sell it and get the other one. I love both
  • I feel the PS3 is the superior system. Essentially PS gives you more and more upfront. With the Xbox and the Wii they have low starting prices, but by the time you pay for more hard drive, xbox live time, modem, etc. you end up spending more on the xbox and I feel the Wii is actually the most expensive when it is all said and done. With the PS3 you get yes the blue ray player, but it also enhances your regular DVDs. You get better games in my opinion, you don't have to buy anymore memory and internet and Playstation network access is free!! unlike Xbox. PS3 has a 3% failure rate while the xbox still has around 20% failure rate. Basically your xbox will crash before your PS3, FACT. I think of it as Xbox is for the Tweens and Teenagers. It is the more bubblegum of the two (excluding Wii) with it's avatars and millions of tweens and kids on the Xbox live. With PS3 I feel it is an older crowd, and not like 80 old but 21 and up. I guess would you shop at Spencer's (xbox) or sharper image (PS3). Oh and get the 80 GB because unless your a hardcore gamer, which I would say you are not since you are asking this question, then you will most likely never fill up all that space. Unless you save like 20 or 30 movies on to the PS3 hard drive. Remember find the system that has what you want, games and content and all that stuff will always come with time.
  • The best one is which ever one you buy.

    Xbox has more games, better online gaming (but you have to pay for it).

    I like the controller better. And the xbox is a little cheaper then the ps3, just buy it off of Dell or something.

    PS3 has blu-ray so if you were thinking of getting Blu-ray (HD movies) and you have an HD system. this is the main reason to get PS3.

    There are more and more games coming out for the PS3 and they are really good. Online play is free (to keep up with Xbox live) but it still isn't as good as Xbox live yet, but getting there.

    Because the Blu-ray drive doesn't spin the disc fast enough (I assume) some games you HAVE to install part of the game on the hard drive.

    This is good and bad. This means before you can play the game you have to install it, but after that, load times are quicker.

    For me, it really came down the controller. I like the xbox 360 controller better then the PS3 (the same kind they have been using since PS1).

    But in the end it doesn't matter, if you buy one you don't like sell it and buy the other one!
  • The 80GB PS3 is worth the 400$. It is much better than the Xbox. Xbox has a smaller variety of games. PS3 has quite a bit of good ones like Killzone 2, Resistance, Motorstorm and Little Big Planet.

    The 160GB and 80GB PS3 are the same except the 160GB has a bigger storage hard drive and if you buy it from www.playstation.com you get a free game with it.

    PS3 owns the Xbox in all means.
  • The PS3 is brilliant value for money. It has so many amazing features including, Free Online Play, Internet Browser, PS Home, PS Store. 1 year warranty and it is so much more reliable than the 360, with the XBOX likely for the RROD within 6 months. Trust Me, Get A PS3.
  • the PS3 because if your planing to buy blu-ray dvds it can play it with no problems.
  • PS3 is your choice.
  • A PS3 would be a better deal. It comes in built with a Blu-Ray player (stand alone Blu-ray cost more than the PS3!!!). It has wifi and bluetooth with FREE online. The PS3 will eventually have a better collection of games compared to the 360 (this year PS3 has 3 times the exclusives being released on the 360).

    Also, the 360 has a failure rate of 33% and PS3 has a rate of 0.2%.

    All in all PS3 might be a little more expensive, but is a much better package.

    Note the 360 arcade might seem cheap, but actually it comes without any hard drive(100$) and has the highest failure rate so don't get it.

    Buy the 80GB one. The only thing 160GB has more is hard drive space (the drive space is mainly used for storing movies and stuff and won't affect gaming...80GB should be more than sufficient). Also, one can upgrade the PS3 hard drive anytime they want and it doesn't void warranty as Sony themselves say it can be done. With the price of drives coming down each day, you can install a drive in the future if you want (I got a 500GB drive off ebay for 80$ and replaced my 60GB drive with it...so no issues).

    Also, game saves take about 150-300 KB (thats 'KB' not MB). With a 80 GB drive, you can save 200000 saves so don't worry about it. Also, pre game installation take 3-4 GB for a few games, but can be deleted after you complete the game, so not a major issue.
  • PS3

    -one of the best blu ray players on the market if not THE best (blu ray players with the same capabilities as the ps3’s run from 500-600 dollars)

    -free online play

    -rechargeable controllers

    -VERY reliable and durable

    -will have more games than the 360 at the end of 2009 (with bigger and better titles)

    -online play is great

    -amazing graphics

    -great selection of games

    -game discs are blue ray

    -better graphics card and faster processor than 360

    -only 0.2% defective rate after opened from box

    -won best console of 2008

    -built in free wifi

    -double coated discs that protect it against scratches even from steel wool. (check the video on youtube, its impressive!).


    -larger online community

    -online costs money to use

    -30% defective rate after opened from box (yes, 30!)

    -breaks down and creates the ring of death (scoring of the discs until they arent readable)

    -amazing graphics

    -great selection of games

    -has HD DVD player (which is obsolete and useless because they only make Blu Ray DVDs, not HD DVDs.)

    -not cheaper than the ps3. wifi adapter is 100 bucks and 1 year of online is 50 ($150 added to any bill)

    Dont waste your time with an xbox they will just break. i have owned both for a long time and the PS3 is by far the better choice. so its 100 dollars more...big deal. you get a larger hard drive and an amazing blu ray player. dont listen to bias people. you will get xbox lovers saying how the ps3 is junk. they are beyond ignorant. they are both amazing but the ps3 triumphs.
  • My brother has a 360, and I have a PS3, so hopefully I can help a little.

    Games - right now Xbox has a mass amount of games out compared to PS3. That's not to say they're all quality, but the selection is very nice. There are also several games that are exclusively on Xbox, and only a handful that are exclusively PS3.

    Online - from what I've seen Xbox Live is better than Playstation Home, but playing games like Call of Duty on the PS3 online is certainly still a good experience

    Price - Again, Xbox is the winner, but that is due to simpler hardware and parts.

    Graphics/Hardware - A PS3 uses more advanced and heavy technology than an Xbox, and offers greater potential expansion. PS3's are also much less likely to experience breakdowns than Xbox. The most common breakdown of a PS3, the blu-ray drive, is also fixable on your own with the appropriate parts and an online tutorial (should your system be out of warranty). I don't know anything about fixing Xbox's on your own.

    The PS3 also functions as a Blu-Ray disc player, so if you have HDTV set up and buy some Blu-Ray discs you get to enjoy high def movies.

    Other applications - I'm fairly certain both devices are equal in terms of storing media (pictures, video) and online browsing, etc.

    Recommendation: If you think the system is only really going to be used for a year or so, you may be better to get an Xbox. However, in a year or two PS3's gaming choice will be equal to Xbox (companies find easier ways to make games that can really utilize the PS3's potential) and all in all the PS3 will be a better choice than 360 hands-down. I would recommend a PS3. In my opinion it is a better choice.

    Note: no matter which you choose, if you aren't going to use the system for anything other than games (and only have a couple of them) get for the lowest GB system, since more GB is just more storage space. You'll spend less money too!
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