Sunday, March 29, 2009

Which ps3 can play ps2 games?

May be...
  • when i get a ps3, i want it to play ps2 games because i have a bunch of them, also someone told me some PS3s cant play ps2 games so i want to find the one that does.
  • oh for god's sake. the 40GB does NOT now, nor did it EVER play PS2 games!!!!!!!! end of story!!!!

    I take it I'm going to be answering this question forever too:

    backward compatibility for the PS3 with PS2 games is as follows:

    20GB (4 USB slots, no longer in production) - yes

    60GB (4 USB slots, no longer in production) - yes

    80GB with 4 USB slots (no longer in production, bundled with MGS4 or Motor Storm) - yes

    40GB (2 USB slots, no longer in production) - NO

    80GB with 2 USB slots - NO

    160GB (2 USB slots) - NO

    any other up coming PS3's - NO

    in short: if it has 4 USB slots, yes. if it has 2 USB slots, no.

    all PS3s play PS1 games.
  • The 40 and 60Gb do, the 80Gb APPARENTLY plays 80% of PS2 games...however i believe this is Urban Legend...

    It supposedly has emulation SOFTWARE (not the PS2 emotion engine hardware like the 40 & 60) which allows it to play games...

    I am getting an 80Gb tomorrow, so i will be able to tell you then if you want, feel free to e-mail me
  • Backward Compatibility (BC) was removed by Sony to cut costs. The newer models don't have BC. The older ones i.e. 60 GB, 20 GB... had BC. The older version had 4 USB ports whereas the newer ones have 2... So it's easy to spot a BC PS3.... 4 USB means BC and 2 means no BC.

    You can find BC PS3 at ebay or amazon. The 60 GB version had the 'Emotion Engine' which is the PS2 hardware in it(so played nearly all PS2 games). Whereas 20 GB version had a 'software emulator' (played nearly 60-70% PS2 games).
  • The 40GB NTSC(U.S.) version IS NOT B/C. It was the first system that WASN'T. It was also cheaper then the original/OLD 80GB version. The 20GB, 60GB, OLD 80GB are B/C. The 40 GB New/Current 80 GB and 160 GB AREN'T B/C. Oh and the old 80GB IS compatible(to the one saying oh I think it's an urban legend) because that is the system I have and I have NO PROBLEM with PS2 games.
  • check the best answer on this;...
  • The 40 and 60GB play PS2 Games but they are not currently in dvelopment by Sony.
  • only the 60gb ps3 and and 80gb ps3 plays ps2 games and ps games.

    Hope that helps:D!
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