Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Can this PS3 be made backwards compatible?

May be...
  • I thought about going and buying a PS3 for my husband as a surprise, but I want to make sure I get the right one. The dude at Best Buy was absolutely no help at all.

    I read the specs but I just want to confirm... this model has a memory card slot in the front, has built-in WiFi, and can become backwards compatible by downloading a file from the PlayStation network, right?

    What else would I need besides the actual PS3? I know I'd need an HDMI cable, and another controller, but is there anything else? It has a hard drive, which means I don't need a memory card, right?

    Would you recommend an extended warranty and does anyone know how much they are at Best Buy?
  • First of all, you were correct that the model your brother has is the only 80GB one that has BC, but the 60GB and 20GB ones also have BC.

    There is no file in the PSN that lets you have BC. Nothing lets you bring BC to a non BC PS3. Only option you have is to get a PS2 for 100$.

    The 60GB one is the best PS3 out of all models, since it plays 99% of all PS2 games. The 80GB one your brother has can play about 75% of all PS2 games.

    The rumor about a price drop in April was false, just like I predicted. Sony has denied all of the rumors about a price drop that is coming soon. Today is April 30, so there is no chance that a price drop will occur. If you are really hoping for a price drop, you should wait until this X-Mas, since that is when everything has sales, price drops, bundles, etc.

    There is no memory card reader, but you don't really need that. Don't worry. You can just transfer your data (music, pictures, videos, etc.) by using a flash drive.

    You don't need an HDMI cable. Just so you know, you can only use the HDMI cable if you have an HD TV. Also, even if you do have an HD TV, you don't have to get the HDMI cable. That cable is not necessary for anything. It's just going to show better graphics (as long as you have an HD TV), otherwise you won't even find a place to connect it to.

    I'd recommend getting that cable if you have an HD TV, but again, you don't have to have it. You can use the PS3 with the cables that come in the box.

    It does have a hard drive, you don't need a memory card. 80GB is plenty of memory, and even if you do run out, you can always upgrade later.

    I don't think that the extended warranty is required of you, unless you really want to be 100% sure. If you take good care of it, put it in the right place, you'll be fine.

    I think the extended warranty at Best Buy is something around 50$, but I'm not sure.
  • I know its not BC for ps2 games... cause sony stopped doing that to make the consoles cheaper.....yeah the ps3 is all you need.. if you have an HD tv.. get an HDMI cord.... and if you like to play too get another controller...

    I believe sony give you a warranty... but IDK anything about best buys warranty

    Sorry, it was just three models which are no longer in production.
  • only the 60gb is backwards compatible meaning it will play PS3 games but the 80gb won't. And yes the only thing you will need is HDMI cable for TV and your good to go. oh and the games...
  • As of September 2008, all models of PS3 for sale in stores are NOT backwards compatible with PS2 games.

    The last model of PS3 that was backwards compatible was the 80GB model that was included in the MGS4 bundle. That bundle has long since sold out, and no more will be made. All current 80GB PS3s are NOT backwards compatible.

    There is currently no way to make them backwards compatible, and it is highly unlikely that Sony will ever produce another PS3 that is backwards compatible.

    Since all PS3s come with an internal hard drive, there is no need for a memory card. If you do need to move things from one PS3 to another, you can just use a standard USB memory key.

    If you have a HDTV, you will want to buy a HDMI cable. Don't spend a lot of money on the cable. Anything over $15 is just a ripoff and won't give you any better performance.

    You'll also need games, since the PS3 doesn't come with any. Or just let your husband go shopping for these later on.

    As for the price, $399 is the current price of the 80GB PS3 and hasn't changed for over a year. There are rumors Sony will announce a price drop in the next month or so, but there's nothing definite.
  • If You Buy The Ps3 At Best Buy You'd Probably Get The Most Recent Models. The Most Recent Models Aren't Backward Compatible, They Took It Off A While A Go Not Even By Downloading A Files Off Of Playstation Network Will Work (They Took Off The Hardware And Software Emulation Required To Play PS2 Games) . Also I'm Pretty Sure They No Longer Have The Card Readers But I Might Be Mistaken About This Part.

    You Pretty Have Everything You Need To Get The Ps3 Started, All Game Saves Are Stored In The Hard Drive So Yes, No Memory Card Needed. You Can Get A Better Sound System But Not A Necessity, Just Better Game Play.

    The Extended Warranty Is Ultimately Up To You, The Prices For The Plan Fluctuate According To Price (The Bigger The Price Of Product Bigger Price For Plan). I Would Get The Plan JUst In Case Something Unexpected Happens To It.

    The 20gb, 60gb, And SOME 80gb PS3 Are Backward Compatible But They Are Old And Out Of Production, And Are Usually Sold By Gamestop Or Ebay (Used). But Recently None Are Backward Compatible (The Newer Models), There IS NO WAY To Make Them Backward Compatible.
  • The PS3 you are showing us doesn't have backwards compatibility or the card readers. It has 2 USB ports and that is it. Sony got rid of the memory card reader, backwards support for PS2 format disks and took away the shinier chrome trim just to lower the price and because manufacturing costs were high.

    It does however, have Wi-Fi built in. Memory card ports aren't on the PS3. If you want to transfer your PS2 game saves to your PS3, you need an adaptor for it.

    Yeah, the HDD (Hard Drive) is already included. Memory cards are old, so you won't need it for the PS3.

    Downloading a file from the PlayStationStore (You called it PlayStationNetwork) won't make your PS3 backwards compatible. It needs an emulator built into the PS3 to do that..
  • That one sorry dude it doesn't have BC. And no the price drop is a possible rumor, Sony hasn't confirmed a drop yet. Anyway yes its 399.99 and it doesn't have backwards compatiability. Yea get the extended warranty cause it goes up to like a year or something meaning 363 days of working and on the 364 day you can take it back if it doesn't work. You would need games(obviously) and HDMI cable for high def you really don't need a extra controller unless you wanna play with him. and one more yea with the hard drive you don't need a memory card but make sure you have something to back it up with. If your husband ever turns it off while its saving youll have to delete the hard drive. But you can back it up see more in the instruction manual when you get it
  • no non-backwards compatible PS3 can be made to play PS2 games period. specs don't matter, it will NOT play them and cannot be made to do so.

    so wrong. that download is for PS3s that ARE backwards compatible to being with. a download is NOT Going to make it play PS2 games. look for a 20GB, 60GB, or an old 80GB (all 3 have 4 USB slots). those are they ONLY systems that will ever play PS2 games.

    all PS3s play PS1 games.

    the Metal Gear Solid bundle AND the Motorstorm bundle are the only 80GB PS3s that will play PS2 games. other than that, it's like I said...20GB, 60GB, old 80GB (any system that has 4 USB ports).

    the price drop on the PS3 was a RUMOR. the price drop was actually on the PS2.
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