Sunday, April 19, 2009

Could The 360 Have Used The Cell, or is it patened with sony and IBM?

May be...
  • Could they have it? maybe so. But will they? I doubt it. I know toshiba is using the Cell for a tv they are in the middle of prototyping. Click that and it will show you what I am talking about.

    As for microsoft being able to use it. Not any time soon. Sony or toshiba wouldn't just let that get away. Unfortunately this isn't something "Gates" can throw 50 million dollars at like he did with the GTA add on's. And got an exclusive. it will most likely be a while before we see it even in PC's and when we do it will probably be sony first.

    To simply put it. Does he wanted most likely. Can he get it? not in the near future
  • As the tech is developed by Sony, Toshiba and IBM, now the technology is patented by Sony... So M$ can't use it in their Xbox now (future Xbox).
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