Tuesday, April 7, 2009

How many playstations have been sold so far?

May be...
  • I'm doing a report on Sony. Does anyone know how many total Playstations (ps1, ps2, ps3 ,and psp) have been sold so far? Thanks :D
  • PS

    Units sold: 102 million (as of July 20, 2008)

    Units shipped: 102.49 million, including 28.15 million PS one units (as of March 31 2005)


    140 million (as of July 20, 2008)


    21.3 million (as of December 31, 2008)

    In total about 263.79 mil
  • Add 50 million PSP and about 1 million more PS3's (as it's been 4 months into the new year) to the above answer and there is your answer.
  • Check thier website it will tell you figures. Or just google playstation sales numbers in units.
  • somewhere between 1 and 1 zillion I'm sure
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