Sunday, April 12, 2009

Is there going to be a Scarface game for PS3?

May be...
  • possibly it sold over 2.5 million but its up in the air at this point but with the profits they could make it but it is unlikely
  • Ju got to be kidding me, Scarface was a lousy game... almost as bad as the movie.

    Ju don't make sequels for lousy games. Ju find better things to make games about instead. Scarface was about the most empty gangster movie of all time, Al Pacino had no redeeming qualities at all, and when the movie ended most viewers were glad he was finally dead.

    Grand Theft Auto 3 was a move in the direction of scarface, from GTA2. GTA2 was like the movie Goodfellas. Tons of gratuitous violence, but the characters are real people who do funny things, and say funny things. GTA 2 was full of gratuitous violence and blood but also had a great sense of humor, gangs of crazy people and russians and hillbillies. Then GTA3 and Scarface hit the scene, they were exactly like the movie Scarface. Gratuitous violence and a complete bastard who never reveals any kind of motivation, not even inhuman motivation. Just a guy who shows up from Cuba and for some reason decides to turn himself into a cocaine kingpin. He doesn't say anything funny at all, except for his accent. No sense of humor either. Just run around in a dark and sinister story devoid of any kind of common sense and everyone ends up dead anyhow.

    GTA2 = goodfellas

    GTA3 and Scarface = scarface

    Ju see lots of people on GTA3 and GTA 4 but ju didn't see too many people buying Scarface. Ju won't see a sequel either, I expect and hope
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