Friday, April 24, 2009

Wat kind if game system should I get xbox360 or ps3?

May be...
  • I'm posibly getting a new game system and I don't know if I should bye a xbox 360 or ps3. I want a xbox 360 because I've played it before and I've played the ps3 it was good but it was slow and had horrible sensitivity. I don't see anything wrong with the xbox360. So pls help me
  • Obviously the decision is ultimately up to you. Before I tell you the why's and why not's, I think I should tell you that I have both and if you were to bust one, I don't think I'd be any less mad than if you had busted the other. haha.

    XBOX 360:

    There are 2 types to choose from: 360 Pro, and 360 Elite.

    The 360 Pro comes with a 20GB hard drive while the Elite comes with a 120 GB hard drive. It really depends on how much music/movies/pictures and other media you will want to store on it. They both come with a DVD drive that will support 480i, 480p, 720p, and 1080i resolutions. I'm not sure about your knowledge on that stuff, but basically the number is a ratio to how many lines of pixalation are on the screen. The "i" means integrated scan while the "p" stands for progressive. Progressive is better because every time the screen gets refreshed, all the lines of pixilation are refreshed simultaneously as opposed to half now, half later. It makes for a much clearer picture to have progressive scan especially with video games and other fast-motion pictures. Now as for price, the 360 Pro is $300 new and the Elite is $400 new. The Elite comes with more sh*t... obviously, the 120GB hard drive, a wireless controller, a headset, and an HDMI cable among other things. However, the HDMI cable is kind of unnecessary. Componant cables and Stereo cables will do the same as an HDMI since the Xbox cannot get up to a 1080p resolution. If the xbox could reach a 1080p resolution, then the HDMI would be more appealing. As for gaming: Its fun, I'm not gonna lie to you. There are awesome games on the 360 that you can't play on PS3 (ie Halo 3) and the achievement points are really fun to obtain to show off accomplishments. You do have to pay for Xbox live... but if you get a 360 and not get XBL... then you're an idiot.


    Just like 360, there are games that are exclusive to the PS3 (ie Resistance), but obviously the gaming is fun. The thing that pushes me over the edge with the PS3 is the fact that is has built in Wi-Fi and free online gameplay. Also, this thing has a built in Blu-Ray player that has the capabilities of the 360 DVD player and more: 1080p resolution, if you haven't seen it before, will knock you on your a$$. It's amazing. Not only does it play Blu-Rays but it also acts as a DVD upconverter. Put your DVD's in this and it will switch your resolution from 480i to a pseudo-1080p. Its not as good a Blu-Ray quality, but its still a LOT better than the standard 480i that DVD's come it. The PS3 also works well as a media storage center. One of the PS3's comes with an 80G hard drive and there's another that comes with 160G. They cost $400 and $500 respectively.

    The reason I think a PS3 is an awesome deal is because it has more capabilities than Xbox 360, not to mention that a SONY blu-ray player by itself costs at least $200 depending on which one you get, plus an HDMI cable (that comes free with the PS3) of the same quality will cost you $120.

    I like the 360 alot though, because although its capabilities aren't as high as the PS3's, you can't say its sh*tty. Its not. It's actually an amazing system with, imo, overall better games than PS3.

    I use my PS3 for media storage, as a blu-ray player and the occasional Resistance. I do a LOT more gaming on the 360. It really depends on how much you want to spend, what you're using it for and if you have or are planning on getting an HDTV. w/o a full 1080p HDTV, a blu-ray player becomes less of a selling point.

    PS. What "Ajaypal" said about the red ring of death being a 40% chance... Its false. The chances have been greatly decreased with the newer xbox's. Microsoft has changed the cooling system 4 times and this new one seems to work quite well. Over-heating causes the RROD btw. Also, if you should get the RROD, all you gotta do is hit up microsoft for a repair and its done within 2 weeks. He is right about the PS3 having all those things, but he's trying to downplay the 360, and is wrong about several things.

    PS. again. Sorry, but it annoys the hell out of me when people are wrong so I need to edit. This liverpool guy says that PS3 is better, and one reason it because it has HD graphics. You should know that anything above 720p is considered HD. So 360 IS HIGH DEFINITION. Now, the reason 360's graphics have not been updated yet to a full 1080pis because nvidia started making the graphics cards, and when it switched over to ATI, it was decided that they would hold out on updating to full resolution until the new xbox comes out (which has already been announced and you can expect to see it in a couple years.) Also, 360 has a DVD drive which can, at most, support 1080i while PS3 has a blu-ray drive. For xbox to switch out the laser as well as the drives would cost them a lot more money than its worth. Hitachi, Samsung and BENQ make the drives and only Samsung has access to blu-ray technology. Imagine what would happen should microsoft break these contracts. (lol... just a little extra FYI for you)
  • It's really up to you.

    I was in the exact same position as you a while ago and I found that the PS3 was the right choice. I did my research and I found that the PS3 best suited my needs. I bought and Xbox 360 later to play the Xbox 360 exclusives such as Halo 3 and Gears of War 2. Those games aren't really for me though.

    I personally enjoy playing the PS3 better than the Xbox 360. It is quite hard to enjoy both because usually you like one more than the other.

    "... it was slow and had horrible sensitivity". Mine definitely isn't like this so you can't really say that all PS3s are like this. Judging by the way you worded your question it seems as if you're leaning towards and Xbox 360 but hey, what do I know!
  • it really is personal preference, but I have played both, and went with the PS3, just a loyal sony fan I guess. But, if you are into watching movies, you also get a blue-ray player on your ps3, (that is something to keep in mind) something else to think about it that xbox 360 has a 2 year head start on ps3 with the games and console, of course there are going to be more a couple more perks for 360. but like I said, its up to you.
  • of you think xbox 360 is better why wont u get it. my ps3 was faster than xbox 360s. it must depend on the model. i personally think ps3 is better.

    a ps3 has better graphics, great games, massive games, able to play blu-ray games and dvds, lighter and better controller, sixaxis controllers which you can move things in games just by moving the controller(just like the Wii), cell processor which makes opponents and allies in the game(which the xbox 360 needs to improve), good exclusives, quieter console, and best of all, free internet.

    the xbox 360 has better color in games, has a slightly better internet that you have to pay for, get a 40% chance that the xbox will break(red ring of death), no smart allies in most games and pretty smart opponents, similar exclusives, and is a louder console, it also overheats faster than ps3.
  • Well, the decision is almost completely up to you, but I would choose XBox 360 because the game lineup is almost completely identical to that of the PS3, and it is also way cheaper, and has the best online abilities.
  • get a ps3

    why because

    BLU RAY built in, HD MOVIES.










    NEED I GO ON??
  • Sounds like you are leaning toward the 360 to me. if that's what you get go for the xbox 360 elite.

    Keep in mind the 360 isn't a blue ray player and you also have to play for your membership.
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