Friday, April 3, 2009

Why can't I view my ipod touch on my ps3.?

May be...
  • I have an 1st gen ipod touch. and I want to put song to my ps3.

    but it wont show up, However when I put my brother ipod nano 4th gen. it show up.

    Why not Mine??
  • maybe you need a newer ipod. Since you were able to put your bro ipod nano in

  • Well i was gonna say its impossible.. because i could never get my ipod to connect to the ps3..... but i guess later version of the are ipod are now compatible ... cool!
  • 1st gen wasnt compatible i believe its 3rd and on
  • You need a newer ipod. Just get a flash memory stick and transfer your music.
  • you have wayyyyy to much porn on there buddy

    id say that its a personal problem
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