Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Why wont my PS3 play games at 1080p?

May be...
  • Ok so I've had my 160 GB PS3 about 3 weeks ago, i have the display settings set at 1080p, hdmi. But for some reasons games that are supposed to play at 1080, (Bioshock, Assasins Creed, GTA IV, Killzone, Gran Turismo 5 Prolouge) wont play at 1080. my tv is 1080p compatible so thats not the problem. and the ps3 menu/cross menu screen plays at 1080, just the games giving me issues. Thanks in advance
  • They are playing at their native resolution...which is 720p. go get them to display 1080p, go into your display settings and turn off everything except 1080p. This will allow the games to skip the 720p and go right to 1080. I don't really understand it, because i have gta 4 on both the 360 and ps3, and the xbox always goes full 1080p.
  • Yeah, I'd just select 1080p in your video settings, and when you get to games that just play 720p, i'm pretty sure that they'd still go to that, if not I guess you have to change it again.
  • by the way gta is a bad game otherwise i don't know my ps3 is perfect it works after a month!!!
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