Saturday, May 23, 2009

Is MGS4 coming to 360?

May be...
  • i thought even Hideo Kojima himself said its not coming.

    now there are rumours about MGS4+OXIDE (additional content) WTF
  • LOL! That article was made a year ago.

    Anyway, MGS4 would be a 6 disc game set and take up a shitload of hard disk space if it ever came on the 360. But it never will come to the 360. Its now and forever a Playstation game, like the Gran Tursimo series or Halo for the Xbox.
  • No, Kojima has a contract signed with SONY stating that the Metal Gears Solid video game series will stay exclusive to the PlayStation gaming console. It's just like Halo or Gears of War with Xbox 360, and neither of those are coming over to PS3 anytime soon.

    Hope this helps.

    PSN: dannymartini
  • Every time E3 comes around, MGS4 on 360 rumor crops up. Kojima himself has said this time that no MGS4 is in production for the 360 (at least by him).. Go to below link to read the article and listen from the developer himself denying the rumor.... And the article is only a few days old. The rumors were started by a stupid idiot on Twitter saying that he just saw MGS4 bundle for 360... Bloody jerk should be shot in his A$$.

    In short... NO MGS4 FOR 360.... I can't seem to understand the xbots.... When MGS4 became the biggest hit in 2008 and got GOTY from numerous sites, all xbox fanbots started saying that the thing is a movie and less a game. And now when rumors of MGS4 on 360 resurface again, then it's the best thing that can happen to the 360 in their opinion? Bloody hypocrites.
  • Last i heard it wasn't. but i doubt the rumours will ever stop coming.

    The only thing i have heard is that Hideo Kojima's team has a teaser site up for it's new game (which is guessed at being MGS5 starring Raiden).

    All will be revealed at E3, coming early next month, no doubt.
  • NO! It's NEVER going to be on the xbox 360 NEVER. Xbox 360 fans ( not saying you) need to get their head out of the clouds!

    Kojima is like God. God said let thier be light. and there was light.

    Kojima said it's not going to the xbox 360. SO IT's NOT!

    They would have to cut out so much, make crappy graphics and all shorten gameplay, just to make it fit on the xbox 360's DL-DVD and your article is 1 year old.
  • That article was made 1 year and 2 months ago?

    That was before Metal Gear Solid 4 was even released.

    And no. MGS4 will not ever be on the 360, nor will any future releases will be on Microsoft's hands. Why? Because Hideo decided to keep it an exclusive (maybe because Sony started in Japan.. We never know.)
  • i doubt it, the rumours you hear are mostly xbox fanboys who can't bear to see the ps3 have a decent exclusive title. also, i'm sure hideo kojima said something like '360 will get mgs4 when they prise it from my cold dead hands'.
  • This is getting old, it's never going to happen.

    Think about it all that amazing graphics, guns, maps, online, and other stuff would fit all that in the DVD. I don't think so, Blu-ray is the future, well unless Bill Gates made a format better than that.

    Final Answer: No
  • Not quite like Halo coming to PS3. But MGS going to 360 is as likely as Gears of War going to PS3. There is a slight chance but it probably won't happen.
  • NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MGS4 has ALWAYS been a ps3 exclusive and always will be. Thats like asking if halo is coming to ps3
  • no i still doubt it will ever come to 360 but MGS5 will probably come
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