Sunday, May 3, 2009

Okay so i have a choice between these 2 games which one should i get?

May be...
  • I am coming up on points in and i will have enough to get one game so which one will it be.

    These are the ones

    Fallout 3

    The Godfather II

    Resistance 2

    these are the ones i have a choice of to get so which one is the best
  • resistance is best for a shooter person and has great online and with friends

    fallout 3 if your a noob with no friends who plays by themself

    godfather 2 if you want an allright game with weak online

    RESISTANCE 2 is great
  • Depends on your preference of games. Resistance 2 is a great FPS which supports up to 64 players in an online match. Fallout 3 is an RPG shooter which will give you at least 100 hours of gaming. Im not sure about The Godfather II but I doubt it is as good as the other two its a tough decision. If you like online gaming, go with resistance 2. If you like single player more, go with Fallout 3.
  • Godfather 2 is one of the WORST recent games I have played! Do not get it! I would reccomend Fallout 3 because Resistance is classified as **an old game** so people are getting Killzone 2 and dropping it. I think Fallout 3 is one of the best RPG's on the console.
  • Get Resistance 2 it got 9/10 and The Godfather II got a 4/10 Fallout 3 got 8/10 so I would go with the highest rated game Resistance 2!
  • Fallout 3, way better than the other games you have listed. I would recommend you get it.

    Hope this helps!
  • Fallout 3
  • I recommend Dildo: The Game. It has good use of the Sixaxis controls.
  • Fallout 3 ! It's a great game !
  • Fallout 3 without a doubt, you'll love it.
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