Friday, May 22, 2009

Playstation 3 playing too much?

May be...
  • can your ps3 break or have problems if you play it too much. I play mine like 6 hours total a day is it ok to play this long?
  • No, the PS3 very rarely overheats, even though it creates so much heat from all its processors...

    I'd be more worried about you... Make sure you get some exercise, and some sun!


  • Nope, I've only turned it off a couple of times.

    So, basically it's been on straight for a year.


    Don't thumps down me, my PS3 is always on. That's from a personal experience. PS3's are built well enough unlike the 360 that they can be on most, if not all the time.

    And it really depends, when you're not playing, are you getting enough exercise? If you're overweight, or chubby, then yes, you are playing too much.

    If you're skinny, healthy, eat your veggies, fruits, eat right, and exercise then yes, it's fine only if you keep up the way you eat, exercise, and have a life outside of it. Sometimes, you have to not play 6 hours, or more a day and go outside with friends, or something.
  • U can play more than 6 hours a day, just not 6 hours straight per session. Limit ur sessions to about 4 hours and take long breaks between sessions to let ur system cool off. Leave ur system in standby when not in use. Clean out dust by spraying air into the PS3's vents with a can of compressed air or using the hose on a low power-vacuum to suck out dust from the vents. Clean out dust at least once a month.
  • Are you kidding? Unfortunately, I have people on my buddy list that play for 2 days straight. My PS3 is usually on for 18 hours a day (I use for more than gaming). PS3 is built well for long-term use. Just be sure to give all the vents plenty of surrounding open space and clean the dust out of the PS3 every once in a while with compressed air.
  • well ive owned my ps3 almost 10 months now and I play my ps3 sometimes 12+ hours a day whether its playing a game,watching a movie or on the internet and never experienced a single problem.As long as you clean it and take care of it youll be fine.
  • No

    Yes, but you need to like take a break though. You can't play 6 hours straight cause it will hurt you.
  • yeah as long as it doesn't overheat so play in a cool room and if your room is hot i recommend you get an intercooler so your system won't even get hot
  • 1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    "U can play more than 6 hours a day, just not 6 hours straight per session." but i can't play PSP games more than 5 hour , I don't understand for this abot , more people can play more than 6 hours a day is my observe.